Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fireman's Cabin

Every Feb. the scouts, leaders and some scout Dads go for a night at the fireman's cabin. It's a night of fun, food and....well, fun and food about sums it up I think...(I wouldn't really know what they do because us girls aren't allowed...thank goodness!) They play cards, video games, and they go outside and play night games in the woods from what Jack tells me. It looks like they had a fun time! Here's a few scouts playing Old Maid I'm sure. I thought Bro. Jeffery was showing Cody some computer tech thingy, but no, they were looking up places to order pizzas!
Derek and Kyle are very busy here actually ordering the pizzas.
Ahhh....they did not starve! Here are the lovely pizzas. No scout skills needed here, just big mouths!

Being a scout leader is hard and nourishment is needed to keep up with the youth. Kyle is on his phone what is he ordering?

Yes, the youth sure do know how to work up an they are just chowing down and playing video games...

The next morning breakfast is prepared by the leaders. Jack always does his wonderful french toast with his secret recipe...I did feel like crashing the party the next morning.

Just relax Bro. Jeffery, you have a whole year to get ready for next Feb. fireman's cabin fun! Oh, by the way, it's called the fireman's cabin because the Ashland fire dept. owns it and I shudder to think what they actually do out there! I do know that in October it's turned into the haunted woods that I took Driana to last times!

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