Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February First Thoughts

 Since my last post was back in January and it was my final thoughts on that day, I decided to make some first thoughts on this day in February.  As always, the month is flying by and soon will be half over!  We've had some crazy weather.  A little warm up, a cold snap again, rain that washed away the snow that had melted.  Rain that came in form of ice that made the roads a mess and my deck a mess too! My sister always says that February almost always has a snowstorm around Valentine's Day.  This year will not disappoint. We're expecting a snow storm this weekend.  First another round of ice.  I'll take snow over ice any day.  I know the Northeast has had its fair share of the white stuff this year.  I think a lot of folks are looking forward to Spring!  

We did have lovely sunshine yesterday, but it was cold, and I don't think you can see the ice on the trees in this pic.

All the trees were dressed in crystals and grass was crispy on Annabelle's paws!  But no matter the weather a walk always feels good. The driveway was covered in ice too, so we stuck to the grass route. The snow has melted when we had a little warm up and then some rain to complete the task.  
Notice the weird track on the back yard grass?  That's where I shoveled paths for Annabelle when we had all the snow last month.  I'm hoping when Spring does finally arrive, new growth will take that away.  Well, this month has been dubbed "Loveuary" by Hallmark.  Have any big plans for Valentine's Day?  We have a church social on Saturday but not sure we're doing anything for the actual Valentine's Day on Friday.  Our weather will determine exactly what happens I guess!  Have a good rest of this week!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I'm checking in with you for the month of February, dear friend, and appreciate these pics of how the terrain looks in your neck of the woods. I awoke this morning to some 4 inches of pure white snow blanketing my neighborhood. As I think I told you, Mrs. Shady's brother is here from California, San Diego, and has been staying with us for the last month. This is the second snowfall he has witnessed while being here and he is as delighted as I am. When the groundhog saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter, I jumped for joy because I love the cold and snow. When I went to the hospital a few days ago for my routine monthly infusion, I deliberately stood outside the building for an extra few minutes to experience the cold wind. A concerned valet took pity on me. He approached and asked if I am waiting for someone to pick me up. I said "No, I'm from Florida and I love this cold air!" He thought I was out of my mind. :)

I'm sure Annabelle's pee path with grow back over as spring sets in. It won't be very long before your property is again exploding with blooms, so hang in there.

I am officially returning to the blogging scene with a new post this Friday, Valentine's Day. Hope you can join me that day or over the weekend. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend YaYa!

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Yaya! It's cold here too - in the teens. We had ice and snow on the roads this morning so the drive to work was not fun at all. My husband wants to go out to dinner on Valentine's Day, but he is sick right now (lung infection and possible pneumonia) so we may get take-out and stay warm and cozy in the house. It's nice that your ward is having a Valentine's social. Our ward doesn't do many socials outside of "linger longers" after church once a month. I hope you have a good February. I'm with you in looking forward to spring time! See you again soon!

jack69 said...

Enjoyed the visit but am so surprised at the path shown where you shoveled. I hope the snowstorm doesn't show up Valentines Day. February is always an odd month to me, the spelling for one thing, for years I always refused to give it two R's. LOL
Take care and stay warm...

acorn hollow said...

We went out to dinner tonight so we will stay in because of a couple of snow/ice storms coming. We have had a lot of snow this year. It feels more like a normal winter. The past few winters have been pretty mild.
Happy Valentine's day

Prims By The Water said...

Yes we are in for more snow Saturday. Got 7 inches overnight. Bob snow blows paths for tundra. LOL The things we do for our pets. Janice