Friday, February 28, 2025

Good Bye February, Hello Another Birthday

 When I was a kiddo, I looked forward to the last day of February.   It's my birthday today and like when I was little, I looked forward to this day but not because it's my birthday.  I look forward to the hope of Spring in March!  This has been a cold and snowy winter.  There has been lots of illness at home and work.  Jack had the crud but got over it pretty quickly.  My boys had it too...some harder than others.  Co-workers called off and I got called in to help out.  Thankfully,  I haven't gotten it yet...I'm knocking on wood now!  I have been a slacker in the blogging world and I haven't even ordered my blog book like I do every year.  As I mentioned in a previous post I was scammed and we had to redo all our accounts and that was a huge pain and took up time and worry.  Thankfully I've put it behind me now and hopefully I'll get back on schedule with my blog.  I will get to reading my blog buddies posts this weekend and get caught up!  So for now I'll bid farewell to February and to being 71.  I'm the youngest I'll ever be at this moment so I'll celebrate that!  We had a fun day with some Sam's club and thrift store shopping and then we had a lovely dinner with friends this evening.  Stay well everyone and lets hope Spring brings good health, warm weather, and tons of sunshine!

I usually put in a pic of me to keep track of my wrinkles over the years so here goes:

Happy bday to me!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Winter Storm Alert

 This winter has been a change from the mild ones we've had.  It's more like winters of the past. Our church social was canceled last night when it was going from rain to ice. Then this morning we got about 4 or 5in of snow at a fast pace. We did go to church. We only live just down the road but some others are much farther. Only 22 folks showed up and when we were at a level 2 alert, we headed home. It's been a quiet, snowy, cozy day.

The bird feeder has been busy. Look close, do you see the little red dot? Hello Mr. Cardinal!
All white again.

Even little fences seem pretty. I know this weekend has been a crazy weather time for many.  Stay safe and warm!

It's Febbrrrrary after all.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February First Thoughts

 Since my last post was back in January and it was my final thoughts on that day, I decided to make some first thoughts on this day in February.  As always, the month is flying by and soon will be half over!  We've had some crazy weather.  A little warm up, a cold snap again, rain that washed away the snow that had melted.  Rain that came in form of ice that made the roads a mess and my deck a mess too! My sister always says that February almost always has a snowstorm around Valentine's Day.  This year will not disappoint. We're expecting a snow storm this weekend.  First another round of ice.  I'll take snow over ice any day.  I know the Northeast has had its fair share of the white stuff this year.  I think a lot of folks are looking forward to Spring!  

We did have lovely sunshine yesterday, but it was cold, and I don't think you can see the ice on the trees in this pic.

All the trees were dressed in crystals and grass was crispy on Annabelle's paws!  But no matter the weather a walk always feels good. The driveway was covered in ice too, so we stuck to the grass route. The snow has melted when we had a little warm up and then some rain to complete the task.  
Notice the weird track on the back yard grass?  That's where I shoveled paths for Annabelle when we had all the snow last month.  I'm hoping when Spring does finally arrive, new growth will take that away.  Well, this month has been dubbed "Loveuary" by Hallmark.  Have any big plans for Valentine's Day?  We have a church social on Saturday but not sure we're doing anything for the actual Valentine's Day on Friday.  Our weather will determine exactly what happens I guess!  Have a good rest of this week!