Thursday, October 10, 2024

Loving My Favorite Month!

 Yes, it's October and the month is going fast! First, Happy Birthday today to my brother Jim!  Lucky duck with a birthday this month.  On Friday my sister and her family are coming for our annual Fall fest.  I'm looking forward to seeing them all and laughing, playing games, and of course eating Fall foods!  My nieces, Amy and Katie, both have birthdays this month so a little celebrating with go on too.  There will be pics also.  Since I haven't posted this month I will have to do a post on my decor.  As always it's a little over the top but we love it.   Here's one that's shows different decorations I did in the alcove between the house and the garage.

Those ghosts were really meant for the gables on my house but the gable windows were too little to get them up so here they found a place and it's not too bad.
Last year I did a photo stop place for everyone. Last year I had straw bales but this year I went for a bit easier and not so messy set up.  The bench in front of the screen door used to sit on the enclosed porch of Jack's office.  He should be out of the office in a few weeks after clearing out over 50yrs of "stuff" that was his Dad's and his over the years.  Hard work!  But it's getting there.  So  now party goers have a spot for a selfie or a posed shot.  

Those large mums are from a local Amish farm and greenhouse.  I thought they were pretty for only $6 each.  
Jack pulled out our tomato and pepper plants as they were done producing...or I should say, I was done producing canned tomatoes!  The peppers weren't growing too big and were kind of bitter. The drought we're in hasn't helped but we did water the plants through the summer heat. It looks like my angel that sat here all Summer is praying and saying goodbye to the last of the crop.  We'll enjoy the veggies in their frozen and canned state over the Winter months.  That's all I have for now but will be going full speed for the next few days.  My car drama is still going on but hopefully will be settled tomorrow.  I contacted Hyundai corp and they have moved things forward since they didn't want to keep paying for a car rental until November when the dealership said the car would be done.  It's been a frustrating battle since August to get this fixed.  In fact, the case worker on my claim is meeting me at the dealership tomorrow when they deliver the car to make sure all is good. Fingers crossed for a good outcome and my car working!  One final note....One of my good blog buddies at "Shady Dell" said he has had trouble commenting here.  Have any of you who visit me had a problem?  I've tried checking my setttings and such but can't find a way to fix it.  Let me know if this has happened to you...if you can without being sent to a spam folder!  Take care and prayers for Florida and my family that lives in Tampa and Fort Myers!


TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh, I love your fall flourishes!!! Those ghosts are so fun! And what a deal on those mums!!! I didn't do much decorating outdoors - or indoors. With all the projects dumped on my doorstep with the lightning damage and then all the medical appointments and procedures I pushed off until after the wedding, my days are exhausting. It's a nice day today so if I have time, I may try pulling out my outdoor witches and black cats. We've had frost all week, but think the ground should still be soft enough. The other things will need to wait for another year. I've not even managed to get my plants cut back. Ugh. Have a great time with your festival and family...fingers crossed for good weather for you. Can't wait for the photos! ~Robin~ (No problems for me posting here that I'm aware of....)

Julia said...

I like those cute ghosts and the mums too. Wow, they are incredibly cheep. I would have picked several more at that price. I might put out fall decorations but Halloween just isn't a big thing here anymore in our neighbourhood.
Wishing you a great family gathering.

Hugs, Julia