Thursday, October 31, 2024

Bye Bye October..

😞 Yes, my favorite month is on it's last hooray but what a way to go.  Happy Halloween and I hope everyone has a wonderful time of it even if no kiddos make it to your door!  We don't get trick or treaters here at the Pines but I decorate and enjoy it anyway.   I'll be taking everything down tomorrow except the outdoor ones go today since rain is coming this afternoon.  Poor kiddos will have to beg in the rain tonight.  It's very windy out and with the rain it will seem like a real spooky Halloween time.  Here's my decor that's on it's way back to storage until next year.  So sad...bye my friends!

Happy Halloween! Boo!


acorn hollow said...

Happy halloween! Our weather is breaking all kinds of records on how warm it is.

Kay G. said...

Oh your decorations are great! WIsh I could show up at your door and say "trick or treat"! We could eat all your candy! And talk and talk! x

jack69 said...

Love the decorations. You do a nice job ID ing the season... We have no trick or treaters here at the park, I guess the kids are roaming the better parts of town. LOL

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya! You sure have fun Halloween decorations. You really get into the spirit. Yes, October is gone, and I hope you have a great November! See you again soon!

Prims By The Water said...

There is those wonderful witches. Hope you had a bewitching Halloween! Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

You have some great decorations! I took very little out this year but it still won't be fun to put them away. I generally leave whatever I have up for a few weeks as I no longer decorate for Thanksgiving and am not one of those early Christmas decorators. We had miserable weather for our Halloween...lots of rain and horrible winds...and cold. I had only 6 trick or treaters this year, including my grand. The others were people who made special trips out here because they know I love seeing the costumes. But wow do I have a lot of treats left. Happy November Kathy! ~Robin~