Saturday, June 15, 2024

2 Weeks On Speed Dial

 I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I posted last but more than that I can't believe how fast May and now June flew by.  Half way through June with the official start of summer this coming week gives me whiplash.  Jack and I have been working on projects in and out of the house.  The gardens are never ending with weeding and tending as well as grass cutting.  Last week I worked and also took a long weekend to go to Chicago and see Midge as well as attend my Great Niece's graduation from high school party.  

My Great Niece, Brooke, who will be attending Iowa St. in the Fall.  
My sister, Midge, Brooke, and her Mom, my Niece Katie.  Brooke is a sweet girl and I know she'll do well in college.  We're all proud of her! Plus, she's a beauty! 
The food was so good and we really enjoyed the afternoon even though it rained.  They have a huge house that's set up perfectly for large crowds. That's where we have our annual Christmas party.  In fact, this was the first time I've seen the house without a giant Christmas tree!  Here's a few pics of the cute decorations that were set up.

Nice job of celebrating a sweet young lady!  Of course the balloon arch in the first pics was a job we all pitched in to do.  I left Chicago on Monday heading for home and more things on my list to accomplish.  I enjoyed the time with Midge and family but felt bad that Midge woke up on Sunday feeling horrible.  She has a bad virus that she's just now getting over.  Thankfully, knock on wood, I haven't gotten it and she's feeling much better.  Once home I had a few days to prepare for our Relief Society (our Church's women's meeting) to be held here at the Pines.  I was worried about the weather but it turned out really nice.  Not even any mosquitoes to bug us! I didn't take any pics but we had a group gathered by the fire pit, lots of conversation and then an ice cream bar and fresh fruit salad.  It was a nice, relaxing time with a great group of women.  So all the mowing, weeding,  mulching, and food prep, mixed with working had me running on speed dial mode.  Thankfully Jack was there to help and I know I couldn't have finished it without him. Thanks Babe!  Oh yes, I also came back from Chicago with a nasty bug bite on my leg.  I've had that happen a couple of times before and I went to the clinic to have it checked out.  The NP thought could be phlebitis and ordered an ultra sound.  So the day of the gathering here I had a physical therapy session in the morning followed by the ultrasound, and then a doctor appointment in the afternoon.  (just a regular 6mo checkup)  The doc was running late and I didn't get home from a 3:20 app. until almost 5!  Then I had to get everything set up for the meeting.  I also worked yesterday.  Anyway, all was well and the ultrasound showed no blood clot.  The tech said, "No clot, looks like a bug bite".  Yep, I knew that all along.  Tomorrow is Father's Day and I know I'll blog about that later. Have a good weekend!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pomp And Circumstance

 The past 2 weekends have been filled with a graduation party and this past Saturday, graduation day for our Lexi.

Pomp and Circumstance means a ceremony of grandeur or a very formal occasion.  Of course we all know when we hear that music that Pomp and Circumstance is heralding in a graduation ceremony. I remember my Mother-in-Law saying that the song always brought tears to her eyes.  Realizing these kids aren't little anymore and time is marching on with them brings tears to my eyes.

The music plays that iconic song and the kids march as practiced to their assigned seats.  It was a beautiful morning for the ceremony.  I was surprised it was held at 10am on a Saturday as I remember our kids and other Grandkids having theirs in a late afternoon or evening.  At least it wasn't raining!  In fact a little sunburned even happened on poor Jack's arms.  He's delicate where I tan.  

We looked for Lexi in the hope of catching a pic of her walking in.  Thankfully she had on some heels so we could see her better but all I got was the back of her head and that cute shock of purple hair!  After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the National Anthem was sung beautifully by one of the graduates, everyone sat for the speeches.  Of course those speeches are meant to inspire, give hope, give instruction, give praise, give some laughs, and bring on some tears.  The tears coming mostly from the parents and grandparents as the students are just excited to be getting done.  I don't remember a thing said at my graduation but after hearing so many in the years of my kids I know they all ring true.  The first speaker got a little emotional toward the end of his speech and I'm sure it's because he realizes that after this day of pomp and circumstance these kids will move on and some will succeed in various ways and others will struggle in ways that they don't expect.  Life will bring challenges and opportunities and we are praying that Lexi will be able to stand up to whatever lies ahead and know that what ever does go down her life journey there are many who love her and will help in any way possible.  Well, the tassels were changed from one side to the other, the hats were tossed in the air, and cheers were heard from the graduates and the proud crowd of family and friends.  Pictures galore, hugs given, farewell to friends and well wishes from everyone.

Sweet moments from Dad.
I was doing fine until Rae broke down in tears as she hugged Lex.  I think she was overcome with the knowledge that she won't have her big sister in the high school with her in the fall and Lex won't be driving her to school or being there at home.  Lex is planning on going to Bowling Green University this fall.  These two are as close as sisters can be.
Hang in there Rae. In 2 years we'll be doing this with you and the tears will flow again and the well wishes and parties and all the pomp and circumstance in your honor. Good luck Lexi! We love you!