Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

Missing my Mom on this day.  Can't believe she's been gone 4 years this month.  Her birthday is May 17th and I always took a trip out to Chicago to see her and celebrate her birthday as well as Mother's Day. Midge and I were just talking about Mom the other day saying we thought she was the smartest woman we ever knew.  Midge went out to her grave today and placed flowers for her and also for our Grandma Arends and Midge's son Jono.    Today Annabelle and I took our walk in the cemetery this afternoon.  I stopped by Jack's parent's graves and gave a Mother's Day stop for his Mom.  She's been gone 24yrs! 

I learned so much from her!  She taught me how to can fruits and veggies and how to be a better cook.  We had lots of adventures around this area when I knew nothing about Ashland.  The craft shows were always fun to go with her and she made the holidays fun for the family.  She would enjoy just stopping over to "yak" and talk about life.  I miss her and think of her almost daily too.  I hope if your Mom is still living you have taken time to call or visit her.  If she's passed I hope you have good memories to make you smile today.  Happy Mother's Day.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Mother's Day to you as well. It's always good to remember the important women in our lives and be grateful for their influence. I hope you have a good week!

Julia said...

Happy Mother's Day, dear Yaya. I'm glad that you have great memories of your Mom and mother-in-law. Like you, I have so many great memories of my Mom. It's hard to beleive that she's been gone for 15 years.

Take care, hugs.

TheCrankyCrow said...

This is the second Mother's Day without my mum. Her birthday was May 5th, so always close to Mother's Day. Last year, we finally laid her to rest and re-interred my brother so they could be together. But, yes...incredibly wonderful memories of her that are some of my greatest treasures. I'm glad that you and Midge visited the graves the women who were so formative and important in your lives. ~Robin~

jack69 said...

Sorry I missed this. Belated Happy Mother's day to you. Yes we still remember our mothers and it has been MANY years since Sherry & I lost ours.
WE know your kids love and respect you lady. Take care.

Kay G. said...

Just went to my Godmother's funeral yesterday. I was okay but suddenly burst into tears. I just felt the loss suddenly and intently. God bless those who mother the children who are not their own!