There are times when you/we need to call in the troops to help with a project. That's why God invented kids. They are great resources when they grow up. When just littles they are mostly good for entertainment. Anyway, our mower needed some rehab. There was a broken cable that holds up the deck and the blades needed to be replaced. Jack had called 2 places that did that work but one was no longer in business and the other had some issues that made it not a good solution for the fixes needed. Now, in the past it was a job Jack would do, but then he realized he needed another hand and not mine...thankfully. So the boys have always been willing to lend that hand. This time he realized he would need more than one hand and so Saturday our oldest, Jack, and my #3 son, Phil, came eagerly willing to help. OK, so they came to help but I just threw in the eagerly part.
Hello Mr. Mower deck. Yuck. Hello Phil under the mower and hello Jack supervising.Jack had his floor time too! Hello son Jack in the red plaid shirt. Phil on one side, Jackie on the other. Team work makes the dream work! Annabelle and I were a big help. I took the pics and she just looked at me wondering why we weren't going on a nice walk instead. So after some ups and downs and grunts and laughs the mower was done and ready for this year. I'm the one who does the mowing and I did a test run yesterday and although the yard was a bit wet here and there it looks very nice and the mower worked perfectly. Good job boys and big Jack! I should have taken a yard pic but forgot in my excitement. We had put together some vittles for the guys to take home to have a few meals when needed. The saying that you need a village to raise kids is true. But when those sweet kiddos grow up and we grow older sometimes we need that village of kids to lend that helping hand. We are blessed to have such great boys/men that are always willing to do that. Thanks guys!
Dang...I knew I should have had 6 boys like I wanted. LOL. Seriously, you are, indeed, blessed. I have more projects needing doing that somedays I want to throw the towel in. My son is stretched in so many different directions with projects of his own that we're both overwhelmed. Glad, though, you got the mower up and running in time for lawn season. ~Robin~
You are blessed with some handy men and they got the job done. Congratulations on getting your ride-on mower fixed like new.
Luckily, the grass is just starting to poke through the ground and I haven't had to mow yet. It won't be long.
Enjoy some good weather to mow your lawn.
Hi, its so nice to read blogs again.I shall read more and then write as well. Take care
Hi Yaya...after a while, I am back writing in blogspot...glad to see that you continue writing....
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