Friday, August 4, 2023

Dog Days Of August

 This first week of August has Jack and I tripping over our guests.  We took on the request of our son to watch their dog, Kip.  He's 100lbs of Golden Doodle!  

Remember him?  This isn't our first rodeo with the Kipper.  He's a good dog and so far so good this time around.  He's just a tad bigger than Annabelle!  Plus, like people, dogs have their own routine when it comes to dinner times, pooping times, sleeping times and places.  We've learned to make sure no food is on the counter and also for Annabelle to eat her food in a guarded place or he will help himself.  Then the other day my sweet Granddaughter, Summer, asked if we could keep her dog for a few days this week.  Being the YaYa I am I couldn't say no.  So we welcomed little Happy to the group.  Happy weighs about 5lbs.

Here's Kip lounging around with Happy.
I guess you can call this a real "3 Dog Night"!  

Kip will also take a quick nap with Jack.   So I guess we can call this week the dog days of  August.  Our furry guests will leave tomorrow and Annabelle will be back to being top dog again.  Whew.  They've been good but like last time we dog sat I'll be happy to be a one dog family again.  
You might think this is the reflection of the sun behind me but I'm going to believe it's my halo for being a good Mom and YaYa to man and beast!  


Julia said...

What a humourous post. You are such a good Yaya for dog sitting a menagerie of dogs and it appears that the dogs are all loving to be at your house.
I love your halo.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Julia

Prims By The Water said...

# dog night. Love it! I smiled with your new halo look. You did a good deed indeed watching the pups. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

You wear that halo so very well LOL. Sweet pups...small, medium, and large, but I get the "I'll be glad when" thing. Happy August! ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

We are dog sitting for my daughter starting this certainly had them in all sizes lol.