Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July On The Fly

 I thought I'd better check in with my blog as this month has truly flown by.  This last week of the month will bring the warmer weather that many of the southern and western states have been dealing with.  We've really had a fairly nice, normal summer.  We'll get the first real hot weather starting tomorrow but I think it's suppose to slip back into regular temps after the weekend.  I have been busy doing the garden and yard work and thinking about the projects I'm supposed to be doing! We're going to be redoing the living room and painting is involved.  I'll post after pics when I actually get it all done.  I found a couple of people that will take a corner TV cupboard that we've had since we first moved here.

It's a big piece of furniture and it doesn't come apart.  Moving it will be interesting!
You can see it holds a fairly small TV compared to what most folks have these days.  Our boys have been kidding us that it's time to move up!  Since this cupboard doesn't hold anything bigger we have a new console waiting to be put together that will hold a large TV.  As for me, I was fine with this but I guess it's time to move on.  I was given some ideas as to what to do with this piece.  Like making it into storage or a coffee station.  Since we don't drink coffee and I don't have another place big enough for it I'm giving it to a friend. I told her to bring lots of strong men to help move it...and a truck!  We'll see how it goes I guess.  In other news from the Pines the garden is slowly producing.  I froze peppers and blueberries and I know more is on the way.

I like  having the peppers already sliced and ready for recipes.  Those blueberries will taste great in pancakes or perhaps a pie?  Speaking of recipes, I made homemade pop tarts:

They were fun to do and they tasted pretty good. I would modify the recipe if I do it again by adding more filling than what it called for.  Other than that it was a fun experiment!  We finally got to the farmer's market and I got a new wreath for the front door that will go on in August.

One of the nurses I used to work with makes wreaths and other things and sells them at the market. I think this will be good on the front door as we slowly slip into Autumn.  I know, I know, it's still Summer but once July is done I start thinking of  the next season.   But Summer is the time for reunions and we had a reunion over the weekend of folks that used to go to our Church over 20yrs ago and have moved away.  We had a group that came from all over to gather and reminisce.  Most live out of state and some were just kiddos when they left and are now grown up with kids and even grandkids of their own.
This is my friend Carol who was the one that suggested we do this.  At first she wanted to do it in 2024 but I said we need to do it this year.  As we age you never know what we will be dealing with in another year.  It went off great and we had a good time laughing, sharing stories, sharing photos of our kids, and just having a good time as if we hadn't been apart for all those years!
The silly selfie! Can you find YaYa?   
Jack (on the right) had a nice time with his good buddy, Tom. They used to do scouts together and I know he misses his old friend.  I'm glad he and his family came.  Even his oldest came up from Florida with his family.  So good to see them.   So this month is drifting away like the many balloons we've seen in the air lately.
These were last weeks.

This one was  up tonight, even in the murky air! Not a great shot but you can see how the air is not so good right now.   One last pic that will remind us that Autumn will be here soon:
I took this pic the other day in the cemetery. See the red leaves? Already!  Plus I found a few things to get for our Halloween party in October.
Isn't she just adorable? Ha!  Merry Christmas in July everyone!  


acorn hollow said...

Once you have a larger TV you will see what you were missing lol.
We hung ours on the wall something I said I would never do.
Glad you had a chance to see old friends.
Your Halloween find is fabulous

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your (current) tv is about the same size I would guess as mine....Can't go any larger either unless I hang it about the fireplace. I won't do that as it is the only tiny bit of wall space in my entire living area...the other wall is a bank of windows and the the circular stairway...so really only the two walls - 1 with windows and one with the fireplace. i don't mind. At least it is a lot larger than what is at the lake and there is no good alternative there either. We had a week of perfect summer weather last week (albeit still unfortunately dry) but we are back in the oven this week. Wow - your church family must have been very close to do a reunion like that. That's heartwarming. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

We sold this maid last year in our store. She is a hoot! Shhh..I have been slowly adding in fall decor. m so ready for it. Between thunderstorms and exsessive heat I am ready for fall. We have our 54 inch in our back room on an antique table. Works for us. You will love having a bigger tv. Janice

Julia said...

I'm running behind in my comments. It's been a very busy time with appointments and weeding. Just can't get it all done with this rainy weather.

By now, I'm sure your corner console has found a new home.

You look so young in that photo with the church group reunion. What a great idea.

I seldom watch TV anymore, just the news which is always so bad.
I know a lot of people are anxious for Fall but I'm still hanging on to summer. It's going by way too fast for me. Maybe I should slow down so time would slow down too.

Take care and enjoy your new Halloween decor.
Hugs, Julia

Kay G. said...

I see you, YAYA! You are the one resting your head on your friend's shoulder at the far right of the photo!
I love that wreath for the door!
Stay cool! x