Thursday, April 14, 2022

I'm In A Fog For The Blog

 The weather this week has been a mixed bag of rain and sun and even some really nice warm temps. Mix in a little blog fog please!  Tuesday morning when I took the dogs out the fog was just beginning to lift.

It was slowly creeping out of the Creepy Woods.
Because the trees are still bare the sun can be seen rising up to spread it's rays.

It didn't take long before it turned into a lovely day.  We've been babysitting our Granddog, Kip, and I think he's enjoyed the yard and woods this week. However, I'm ready to be a one dog family soon! Kip's been a good boy and his easy going personality is great but it's still 100lbs of dog love that needs tending too. My biggest fear has been that he'll get skunked or he'll take off after a critter and not come back!  So far so good but I'm knocking on wood as we have 2 more days to go!  
Our next door neighbor's dog, Cooper, has made some visits too. I wonder if Kip thinks he's fallen into munchkin land!  Besides dog sitting I've been working a few days a week.  This was my week at the hospital instead of working out at the endoscopy unit.  My first day at endoscopy I brought cookies but my first day back in the operating room I brought something else...
I always used to make a bunny cake every Easter for work and when the staff came in and saw this one they all said the same thing..."Starko is back!"  (Starko is the name the staff calls me) It's was busy the days I worked but I'm off until next Tuesday and I'm ready for a rest!  I did find a little time to make these though:
These cuties will all find a home with some Church folks. (the yellow one is showing how the back of
the cookies look.)  I do love the Easter season.  Since we won't celebrate with family until the 24th, I'm sure the weekend will be a quiet one. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. One last photo..I'm calling this one "PURE JOY"
Go happy Annabelle!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I'm pleased to see an update from you, dear friend! The Creepy Woods looks extra creepy shrouded in fog. I'll bet the Yeti needed to leave a trail of bread crumbs on the ground to find his way back to his den.

I'm glad to see all three dogs romping and playing together. They seem to be getting along well with each other. Granddog Kip does look like a handful. I hope he doesn't leave your property chasing after a critter.

Your co-workers in the OR are surely thankful to have you back among them, especially if you bring in sweet baked goods like that Easter bunny cake. It was also nice of you to find time to bake those bunny cookies for the church. That picture of Annabelle at the end warms my heart. I've never seen her looking that happy and full of energy. What a great life you have given her!

Yessum, I wish you and Jack a safe, happy and restful Easter weekend, dear friend YaYa. I hope to see you Monday when I will be posting my annual birthday tribute to Margaret Schneider. Bless you, dear friend!

Julia said...

It's so nice seeing green grass growing. Our is just barely starting to grow and I fertilized half of the front lawn today and it started raining so I'll have to do the rest another day.

I sure hope that the big dog will not chase creepy wood critters, especially if they have two white stripes on their back. I had a cat who got sprayed and she ran into the house. Need I say more? Not an experience I would recommend to anyone.

Those bunny cookies and bunny cake are looking delicious. I guess the staff really know you and are happy to have you back.

Happy Easter dear Yaya.
Hugs, Julia

Deb J. in Utah said...

The bunny cake and cookies look so good! Sounds like you are well loved at the office. I know the staff is happy to have you back. Have a very happy Easter. :-)

jack69 said...

Love the title and pictures. ;-) Happy Easter time hope you all have a great season.

acorn hollow said...

wow look at those cookies! I made that bunny cake years ago. I want a mold for the lamb cake you have on the top but I am cheap and I need to find it at a thrift store lol. Sounds like dog land at your house. But boy they look happy
Happy Easter

TheCrankyCrow said...

You really are quite the baker!! I agree with Cathy, I love that sweet lamb cake! How clever to frost the backs of the cookies so you can do your artistic thing on the front. Your weather is way ahead of us... We had sticking/staying snow the past 2 days and horrid winds the past 4. I had a class last night and the roads driving home were treacherous. It doesn't sound like the holiday weekend is going to be much better. Love, love, love that last photo of Annabelle! Pure doggy glee!! ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

Go Annabelle GO! What a cutie. The baked goods look so yummy. I use to make bunny cakes every year for Easter. Now I go to Achaatz pie Company for their handmade pies. Cannoli and Banana Cream on Sunday we will have. Rain, snow and wind has been our weather lately. Hope you have a great Easter when you have your family over. Janice