Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Saying Goodbye And Moving Forward

I wrote a blog post a few years ago about "Hellos" and "Goodbyes".   The hellos are always easier and usually come at happy times.  Those darn goodbyes though are what make the valleys of life hard to travel.  On June 1st we said our goodbye to Mom.  I could say that 2020 will be the year remembered as a time like no other.  But I would be wrong.  There have been many times in this century like no other.  Wars, disasters, weather catastrophes, terror attacks , and other news worthy events are the valleys we all have traveled. My Mother would be the first to say: "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt".  Through it all she showed strength, grace, and a "DO IT" attitude.  So when we were preparing her last wishes we were also in the middle of a pandemic, protests, and the violence of riots, looting, and property destruction all around her neighborhood.  Her funeral could only be attended by 10 people.  We had to limit who could attend and in our family that's not easy.  Mom was known and loved by many more than just family.  She was very involved in her Church and when the Priest gave the eulogy there was no doubt that he knew her personally. Even though the Mass was attended by only 10 people, it was still filled with a sweet spirit of love. However, I felt Mom deserved better than that small gathering and seeing how events of that week led to another funeral yesterday that allowed hundreds to attend I just had to shake my head.  As a light rain fell we stood and said those final goodbyes at the cemetery and came back to her  home for a luncheon attended by family.  Mom said in one of the video chats that when she came home we would have a party.  So that will happen in July when we have a celebration of her life that we will share with how ever many want to come. Hopefully that day will be filled with many happy hellos that would make her smile.  So now we move forward as life goes on and the world keeps spinning.  The pandemic has changed many things but slowly we're getting back to Summer activities and also celebrations like Graduations, weddings, and Independence Day.  We have 2 Grandkiddos who have graduated high school, and one who earned the titled of RN.  Lots to be thankful for here at the Pines.  We are half way through this historic year so I'm hoping that the next 6 months will be played out on a high hill instead of a low valley. 

Sweet Dreams.


acorn hollow said...

So very sorry for your loss it has been a extra hard year for you and your family. I hope the next 6 months brings you much happiness and a chance to gather and remember your mom.

betty said...

Beautiful sky! You wrote this so very eloquently. A wonderful tribute to your mom. I hope you share her celebration of life memorial in July here on your blog. I am sure it will be well attended.

One day you will get to say hello to your mom again :)


Kathy said...

I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother. I hope you get to remember her at a huge gathering in July.

Shady Del Knight said...

Dear YaYa,

Thanks for reporting in, my fine friend. I have thought about you and your family every day since your mother passed away, hoping the sting of her loss is easing little by little as time goes on.

I'm sorry attendance at your mother's service was limited to only a small fraction of those who knew her, loved her and wanted to pay their respects. As you mentioned, hopefully, larger numbers can gather next month for the celebration of her life. As you wrote, life goes on, and the generations coming up in your family are taking their places in society and will hopefully be catalysts for positive change in our troubled world.

As you have often mentioned about The Ettlines and Margaret Schneider, we should all be so lucky as to be remembered so fondly. So it is and will always be with your dear mother. I for one will think about her for the rest of my life and draw inspiration.

Bless you, dear friend YaYa. Stay well and remember how many caring friends you've got right here, just inches away, on the other side of the screen.

jack69 said...

So sorry to har this, BUT a sweet spirit at the good bye means worlds. thinking of you and your family. And yes, we do all have the Hellos and goodbyes. sweet tribute.
Sherry & jack

Julia said...

Dear Yaya, I'm so glad that you shared your mom with us whenever you had a chance. She sounded like a wonderful person. I'm so sorry about your great loss especially during this pandemic that prevents family and friends to come together to say goodbye and pay their respect. A mother is such a priceless gift that we should never take them for granted.
Sending hugs and prayers.

jmac said...

from one YaYa to another...I am very sorry for the loss of your mom, especially at a time in our world like now. But honestly? Sometimes, I wonder if those going ahead of us are a little better off in their new world than trying to live in this one?? At least she has peace and is probably dancing and laughing the whole live long days!!!

Peace to you right now....

Prims By The Water said...

I lost my aunt just before the pandemic and we could not bury her because the ground was frozen. When we could it was just 12 of us. SO hard to say goodbye to a loved one in this way with no one else to support you. Stay strong my friend. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a beautiful post and tribute to your mom. God be with you and your family as you move forward.

CHERI said...

Such a beautiful and heart felt post! I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother, and I also hate that only 10 could attend her service. Especially (as you mentioned) that from what I saw there were actually 3 HUGE services for the same person this week! How is that fair? But I won't get into all that. I just keep praying and praying about it. And, selfishly I guess, I have been praying and praying we will not lose my mother (92 next month) or my last (and favorite uncle) 89 before the restrictions on funerals are lifted. We have a HUGE family plus (like your mom) my mother knows tons and tons of people who I know would want to attend her service. She has had it all planned out for several years sister to play the piano, my son to sing. Think the only thing she hasn't planned is the casket...and I wouldn't be surprised if we one day get to the funeral home and she's got that picked out too:) Love and hugs to you and your family, Yaya...and I too pray for better days ahead.

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