Monday, June 15, 2020

Pomp And Circumstance

A miracle occurred yesterday.  I had an outdoor event here at the Pines and the weather was perfect.  Sunny, 70 degrees, a slight rain, tornado, power outages (which are actually things that have happened in the past!) and a good time was had by all.  At least by me anyway!  What was this miraculous happening?  Our Grandson, Anthony, graduated high school and we hosted a party for him.  He had a party at his house the day before with his friends but they wanted to have one here for family and older folks so we could do the semi-social distancing thing. 
A corner of honor was set up.  Looking at the photos is like watching your life pass in front of your eyes.  Time flying would be a good title! How he went from this:
To this:
A young man as tall as his PawPaw!  I don't know why I would be surprised because we watched all our own kiddos go through the same thing. There are days I still can't believe how fast they have grown!  Here are a few pics of the day:

Outdoor was set up with tables and chairs.
The food was setup in the dining room. Cameron helped get it ready.
The cake was not only pretty but pretty tastie too!

There was a lot of corn hole going on! Good form Anthony!

Family pics....sister Summer, Grandpa Jerry and his Nana Kaye and his Mom Stephanie.  On top of this celebrating we had a few other things to celebrate.
Our Granddaughter, Driana, got engaged to her fiance'...Jon!  Congrats you two! Not only that, Driana also finished nursing school and will start working as an RN at a Cleveland Clinic hospital.  Oh, and she found a super cute house to rent.  Now that's what I call a full week!
A proud PawPaw!  So now we have 2 Granddaughters that will get married next year.  Let's see who gets to the alter first...Driana or her sister, Summer! The race is on!  So graduation happened in a very private ceremony for just parents and the graduate and I don't know if  "Pomp and Circumstance" was played.  Hearing that song as the kids march in always makes me teary eyed anyway so I'm glad we had our own pomp going on here at the Pines and we could gather and celebrate with these kids who will never forget the way they had to graduate in 2020...the year where nothing is as it used to be.  Congrats kiddos! We love you! P.S...Thanks Mother Nature for a perfect day!


betty said...

Congrats to Anthony!! A fine celebration for his graduation! Congrats on the engagement too!! Lots of neat things to look forward to in the coming days!!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

You threaded the needle and came up with an ideal day for grad Anthony's outdoor celebration at The Pines. I am very happy to know it. In March 2013 Mrs. Shady's daughter threaded the needle and sandwiched her outdoor Florida wedding between two horrible rainy days. The day of the wedding was clear and pleasantly cool, perfect for the ceremony.

Those pictures comparing little Anthony to how he looks today are startling. The same happened with our grandson. Only a few years ago he was a tiny, doll-like child. Some of us predicted he would always be petite. Boy, were we wrong! Today he is taller than his granddaddy Shady, and I am a little over 6 feet.

The Pines is looking lush and lovely. The indoor "This Is Your Life" picture display in Anthony's honor was a wonderful touch, and the food on the table and his cake look delightfully yummy. It's nice to see the latest pics of Cam, Summer and Driana. Congratulations on Driana's engagement and taking her place as one of our American heroes with her job as an RN. As Summer and Driana race to the altar, I'm sure you will be there to take pictures at the finish line. Yessum, it was a year like no other, one we will all remember as we did the 9-11 terror attacks - life as we knew it before, and life after, when everything changed. We have the capacity to adapt and we will.

Thanks for the update. Stay well, keep your spirits up and have a good week, dear friend YaYa!

jack69 said...

What a neat thing to do for Anthony with all the virus problems. Glad it was a good time, much different that previous years but one to remember. The best to Anthony.
Sherry & jack

Julia said...

It is about time that you all have a great week of celebration. You all have been through so much lately. Congratulations to Anthony on his graduation and to Driana on her engagement. I'm so glad that the weather cooperated. Your place looks fantastic.
I can't get over how fast the kids grew. It only seems a few years ago, they were all little kids.

Take care and enjoy the rest of the week. You'll have more to celebrate next Sunday. It's Father's Day.
Stay well and happy.
Hugs, Julia

Prims By The Water said...

Congratulations to Anthony. WOW two weddings coming up. You must be very proud! Glad no bad weather. Janice

CHERI said...

Looks like a fabulous party and I'm sure he was thrilled. Congrats to him! I have felt so sad for the Class of 2020...they have missed so much that can never be regained. Thankfully some schools though are working a few things out. Our prom was canceled (the day after my grandson was fitted for his tux:( I sure keep praying for NORMAL to return...and sooner than later.

ibu said...

Hi Yaya...congratulations. I wonder is you still remember me. We used to visit each other's blog in the past.


Long time since I've visited my old blog and yours as well. So happy to see you still active on here. I always loved reading your posts and knowing what's going on in your life.
Much has happened in mine. Massive heart attack last year, fractured a vertebrae, in rehab for 30 days and still trying to figure out how to get help for my spine. Currently researching laproscopic spine surgery.
Our triplets graduated this year and I'm amazed how fast they grew uo. Seems the old I get the faster time flies and I'm holding on for dear life.
Reading my old blog and seeing you on here has motivated me to get back to blogging.
In the last year I've been compiling published essays I've written over the years. Almost as hard as writing another novel. I hope in the next few months to have it on Amazon. Figuring out a title right now. And waiting for doctor visits! Hope you are safe with this virus floating around. So far so good here in my condo community. No illness whatsoever. Be well and be safe. Hugs Barb Whittington


PS I should have proofed my comments!!!