Thursday, October 19, 2017

Slogging Through Blogging

My blogging has been a bit slow these days.  It's not that I'm not busy doing "things", but I'm not doing anything that's much worth blogging about.  Since I'm trying to use this as a journal of sorts I feel the need to check in every now and then.  So here I am, checking in as I'm getting ready to check out...of Ashland I mean!  We're heading to Chicago tomorrow to see my Momma and Sis and enjoy this lovely Fall weather we've been having. 
This may say the witch is in but I'm truly almost out!
Chubbs is duded up ready to go too.  Ok, I apologized for the ridiculous  tie getup on Saturday when he came out of the groomers with this around his neck.  Just check out his expression!  Sorry Chubbs, but you do smell lovely...Booberry was the fragrance of the week!
Made some monster munch to take along....gotta have the right car snacks..
See ya later with, hopefully, some better blog news and pics!


Julia said...

Hi Yaya, it's always so nice reading your post... I'm so ashamed of not having a post to show for. It's not that I have nothing to blog about. I have so much going on all at the same time I don't know which way to go. How does that happens to nice people like me, hahaha..

Life has been busier than ever when I should slowdown...

It's so right that you go visit your mom while you still can... really , you are so lucky to still have her to visit. Enjoy every minutes of it. I know she does'n know me from a worm in the ground but give her a big hug from this admirer of hers. I know I would love her cooking.
Have a great time. Hugs, Julia

acorn hollow said...

Lucky you to still have your mom enjoy! safe trip

gin said...

My blogging is slacking, too, for a lot of reasons. My blogging app I use on my phone for quick posts won't let me publish so I'm stuck after writing one, I also feel like not much is going on. But I am going to keep on blogging, too.
Enjoy your trip and tell your mom that blog strangers are waiting to hear all about her again and see her pretty face on your blog.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

The glowing jack-o-lanterns in your header jumped right out at me when I logged onto your page. You are a funny one, dear friend. You are too modest about your posts. They are always interesting and this one is no exception.

Chubbs doesn't look very happy about wearing that loud tie. Seeing that picture reminds me of my Toto. Whenever Toto came from the groomer she was always wearing a brightly colorful neckerchief and smelled like she had just taken a bath in perfume. Toto could wait to get out from under that pesky kerchief and run outdoors to shed that awful perfume stench by rolling in dead lizards and poop. :) I'm very happy to know that you are going to see your dear mother and sister this weekend and that you are taking Chubbs along with you. I wish you a safe drive to Chicago. I double dog dare you to gobble up that entire tray of monster munch on the way there! :)

Once again, dear friend, your posts always delight me. I enjoy seeing how your house and property are decorated season by season and love to gaze at the latest pics of your family including Chubbs. Have a safe trip and a great weekend in Chitown!

betty said...

Have a good visit with your mom and sister! (but I know you will). Yummy looking monster munch!


Kay G. said...

Take me on the car trip with you, that monster munch looks good!