Some of my blog buddies write a post daily....and God love 'em because I'm not that faithful. I do however use my blog as a journal tool. I love to go back and read what was happening last year or 6yrs ago! I like to see what the weather was like in Spring of 2012, or 2013 or 2008. What I discovered was half the time we had lovely warm and sunny days and the other half were like Tuesday of this week. Here's a look at March 25, 2014:
2 of my co-workers walking with me over to our employee parking lot...a 1/4mi from the hospital. The day started out sunny and ended up in a mini blizzard. Click on the pics to really get a feel of the wind, snow and cold.
Selfie of snow on my roof...I mean my hood!
Looking out the side window to say hi to everyone...if anyone was even out there!
That's as far as I could see on my road.
Soon the pine trees were coming into view! Almost home! It was a scary ride with white outs and very windy conditions. Just another day in paradise! It has cleared up and tomorrow we're expecting temps in the 50's with rain...never a dull moment! Here's a few other moments of my week in my journal journey:
This is a lovely canvas art piece that I picked up at my favorite little shop: The Parsley Pot. My photo does not do it justice. It's very peaceful to look at and the reason is this:
The lights in the trees light up...flicker even! Makes it very pretty and fun to watch. It reminds me of Summer...after looking at my first pics , can you see how I was enticed to purchase it? Thankfully I had a gift certificate from Christmas burning a hole in my wallet. Thanks Jack! I'm now up to today in my journal journey....I got home a bit earlier than usual and made a batch of these:
Then I made a favorite of Jack's for dinner. Tuna casserole. Maybe not everyone's cup of favorite dinners, but he likes it!
When my kids were little they always called it "tuna una". I have no rhyme or reason to why that happened, but to this day that's what we call's a tuna mystery I guess. Finally I must end with this mug:
Mr. Eddy....he had to go to the Vet for a check-up and some shots..ouch! He was very good and was declared a healthy guy for another year. I now can rest easy having put my week in print so I can look back at this time next year and hopefully have warm sunny skies to compare this nasty weather week too! Wait! One last pic in this photo blitz. I was going through some old pics to put onto a disk and I found this one:
It was taken at my in-law's place we lovingly called "The Farm"...What I remember about the day was the heat...super hot and humid...the photographer, not so kids, not so happy to be sitting in the grass with a tie and white shirt on. (my youngest son, Jordan has a fake smile on and the cutest curly hair...he'll be 30 next week! Ahhh! ) Since this is a journal tool for me I think a post about "The Farm" is in order. We had many good memories and fun times there...except for this day! Thanks for coming on my journal journey today.