Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend Wonders

The weekend started Friday afternoon after I rushed home from work and Jack and I headed down to Columbus to the Temple. We had to be there by 5:45 at the latest and you never know how the traffic will be. Us country bumpkins forget how crazy rush hour can be! But we made it fine and enjoyed the spiritual uplift we felt there. It's a good way to begin the weekend.
Saturday morning I went out to check on the black raspberries. I found some but I found more of these little guys than anything else. We've noticed this year that we have a ton of Dragonflies all over the place. They are so pretty and even though this shot is blurred, I liked the wing color. They were everywhere on the leaves and as I picked they flew around me and sat and watched like a bunch of magical fairies enjoying the nice morning. They seemed to like posing for me..I just wish I had a better camera to take these shots.
One more of a million.
Ok, now I've become a Dragonfly stalker!
In order to pick I had to make a few trips back to the house..once for my camera, once more for my boots, once more for some gloves. All the protection from the poison ivy, and brambles and any other dangers I might encounter. After a bit I realized I had lost a glove during my picking....I found it as I was that an obscene gesture it's making?
I tromped around the Creepy Woods looking for more berries and when I saw this area I had to's the area we had the ghost stories around last fall..under all the growth are the hay bales we sat on...hmmm....I wouldn't sit there now!
After working around the house all day I asked Jack if he would make a fire (our first for the summer).
With the wood smoke smell all around, and the heat just perfect for roasting a wiener, we had a quick supper and then sat around the fire enjoying the quiet and the sit down time! The bugs even cooperated and left us alone. The air was pretty cool out tonight too...perfect!
When we went inside for the night I thought I would make some goodies for Sunday. I had the oven heating so I decided to make some caramel corn...the YaYa way. I use puff buttered corn (from a bag) instead of making regular popcorn for this. It's easy, no hulls to worry about breaking a tooth on and frankly it's D-double darn delish good!
Remember the berries? I didn't score that many, but I mixed the cup I picked with some frozen raspberries and made a tasty dessert...atleast I think it will be tasty, I just stuck the spoon in there for the picture..I'll taste and report back later!


joanne said...

yum...looks delish! And it was well worth the sacrafice you made to get those great dragonfly shots...have a nice weekend..;j

Kim said...

Mmm, looks good. I love pictures from the creepy woods. Neat dragonfly pics too. Sometimes you have to stalk to get the picture. I stalked a bluejay yesterday but he refused to let me get a pic. Stubborn bugger!

acorn hollow said...

dragonfly is beautiful I have notice some but not a lot. We love our camp fire also so relaxing. and your blackberry dessert look yummy. Sounds like a perfect day.

Linda Hoye said...

It sounds like a wonderful day!

Deb Shucka said...

The crisp looks so yummy! Great pics of the dragonfly, too. Ours are bigger, and blue, and very hard to catch still long enough to photograph.This felt like a perfect summer day.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Oh waht a nice weekend. What fun! The dragonfly pictures are lovely. The berries will certaily be double D like you said.

Susan Anderson said...

This is just the kind of weekend I like best!


Stacy said...

I had just about the same weekend. We even sat around our first campfire of the summer. I want to make your carmel corn.

Sweet Tea said...

YaYa? Are you Greek?
your name caught my eye. Our 3 granddolls call my husband and I "YaYa (Greek for grandmother) and YoYo (it's a long story. LOL).

I signed on to follow
so I'll be baaa-ck!!

Bonnie said...

I just love that you said "country bumpkin." That makes me laugh.

P.S. That food looks way more delicious than my sad, tiny, fat-free cookies.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

karen said...

What a beautiful weekend - I love pictures of your yard and the surrounding woods! I was wondering: would you happen to rent rooms for the summer? Because I would love to sit around your campfire and eat your desserts. You should consider it.

Kerri said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Good job capturing the dragon fly...they're so quick and usually don't sit still for too long. I wish for a new camera too. Are you and I the only ones left in blogland without a fancy shmancy camera? I think so. Your berry dessert looks awesome!

Donna said...

I absolutely love your dragonfly shots!! Worth framing to remember the summer by!!
I think I can smell your campfire...mmmm! Nothing like a campfire!
The cobbler looks yum! Wish there were leftovers.
Hope you aren't working too late...