Saturday I was cleaning out my closet and when Jack came into the bedroom I was sitting on the bed laughing my head off..What was so funny? Well, I was having a conversation of sorts with a 14yr.old...I had found this:
Did you have one when you were 14? It's my diary that I had put in a drawer and forgotten about. Many times I was tempted to throw it out. But inside is my 14yr.old self. Also my 15, 16, and 17yr old self. All silly, dorky, embarrassing, awkward self. I was laughing at the boy stories...he likes me..I don't like him...I like/love him..he doesn't know I'm alive...fights with girlfriends...making up with said friends..the excitement of turning (drum roll here) 15!!..seeing Paul Revere and the Raiders in concert for the 3rd time! Ok, so my taste in music was questionable. But also in there was how I was feeling when Robert Kennedy was shot..when my brothers went off to Vietnam and thankfully when they returned. When my nephew was born while his Dad (my oldest brother)was off fighting. When the little boy that lived behind us was killed and how it was the first child funeral I ever attended. So I'm glad I kept that diary. My first attempts at blogging! I have my blogs put in book form and I'm pretty sure I won't be here 43yrs from now to have a conversation with a 57yr old silly, dorky, embarrassing, awkward self, but maybe someone will be sitting on a bed cleaning out a closet and have an old diary, and many blog books and will know who I was and how I tried to live and love and get through this life not being perfect, just trying hard to enjoy it...and hopefully they will have a good laugh too.
What a treasure...and you do blog/write well!!
Oh, I so wish I had kept a diary when I was young! I wrack my brain trying to remember stuff, especially emotions, from my youth,and draw a blank. You were so smart, and are so lucky!
How did you do your blog books? I've heard people talk about it before, but don't know if they just printed each post or did something special somewhere.
When we were clearing my grandparents house, we found all manner of fascinating mementos. Would have been lovely to find diaries. Good idea about the book form. Tell us how you're doing it.
i think that most girls kept a diary. it's a wonderful thing to go back and read and to share if we want to others. it a history that sometimes we at this time can say as we did when we were younger. i have no idea where my diary cherish your's
back again thanks for your comment re my post on smiling. i swear i didn't know the hospital did like an exercise and smiles became more evident. thanks
had to jump back and tell you that your coment on my blog re mother and death was very touching .
I started several and then went to 'Jounaling'. It must of the been the next trend. I laugh too when I reread them years later. Even the ones from just 2 summers ago because (thank goodness) I can tell how far I've grown just in those last 2 years. :-)
Your memories could be a book about your life during a very time in history! Great that you kept it!!
I found you through Rose's blog, love your blog and attitude; following and will be back soon!
I think that every single diary I attempted to write in got me in trouble so I just gave up.
That's a pretty one, though.
thanks for your comment on my blog. i don't say i believe in reincarnation. just wanted responses and discussions. have a good weekend.
I have to say, I'm much more comfortable having a public blog- it keeps me from saying anything I might regret!
Oooh! Is there anything cringe-worthy in there? Someone started a whole event around reading cringe-worthy writing.
I have my teenage diaries SOMEWHERE. I've instructed Mr. Man to BURN THEM POST HASTE should anything ever happen to me.
That is so wonderful that you kept this piece of your history. I never really kept a diary. I try keeping journals now but I'm not good at it. Much better at's faster and more colorful! You mentioned that you put your blogs in "book form." Don't quite understand that...could you elaborate?
jumping back to say i saw your comment on my blog re Things Happen. No ladder.climbed over a child's gate,but ididn't lock it so whie lifting my leg over, gate moved and down I came. it was stupid. gate was taken down. have a good weekend
you are so cute and sweet. loved the dog story re pond gave me a chuckle. have a good weekend
Wow, it must be amazing to look back and remember how you felt, wouldn't it be great to go back with the knowledge and wisdom we have now no dorky feelings....
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