A few years ago when I just started my blogging career...well, I started posting junk anyway..I blogged about my new pink, swirly, think creamsavers from lifesavers candy shoes. I have no life OK, so shoes get a front and center in blog land. Anyway, they were getting worn on the inside and slippery on the bottom. Falling in the operating room is not pretty people, trust me I've done it. Another story for another time...so when the dansko shoe hard sell people came today I caved and bought this spify pair. Many of my coworkers have them and swear they are the best thing going. So I gave into peer pressure and spent more than I ever have on shoes. But I stand an average of 7hrs at work and my feet and back need something good. That's the speech I gave myself. Besides, I like the look of them! Well, they are comfy so far and hopefully will continue to be so.

Look at the workmanship of that hand tooled leather...yummo! I thought they were sort of "cowgirl" like...some people think they are more "biker chick". I'm hope they mean big wheel type bike cause that's about my speed!

Look how pathetic my old shoe looks next to my shiny new ones..Good bye swirly, pink, and now very worn old buddies..We've seen alot of blood and guts together but it's time for a change.

Man, did I laugh when I saw this pic...come on, I don't have one big foot and one small foot. Look how petite my new shoes make my feet look. Atleast one thing on my bod has shrunk! Looks like I went from a 5,000sq.ft home to a tiny condo.
So you DID go to the sale...wow! They are beautiful!! I have shoe envy!!
Shoes...another of my addictions! I really like these...very unusual! Hopefully they are comfortable cause sounds like you need them. I admire anyone in the medical field but that's one area I could never ever work! Had some blood work done last week and cried the whole time. Yes, I'm a big wimp when it comes to needles! Loved your comment you left on my post about my cookbood addiction.
if i were on my feet 7 hours i wouldn't care what they cost buy the best shoe. I'm assuming that your feet are feeling better
I've come from Wander to the Wayside, attracted by the title of this post! By jove, you do look like a bikewr chick in these leather goodies.
There is nothing like a hot new pair of shoes to lift one's spirit.
Honey you deserve these shoes and so much more. The job you do and how hard you work you should splurge on you!
I like the looks totally different than I have seen in a long time.
Hope their as comfy as they are pretty.
Thank you honey for all your sweet words of encouragement. I actually thought about you when they were wheeling me into surgery. I was looking for your smiling face to greet me. lol
Love ya
Love the shoes and I am glad you got them. You should have the best!
Thank you for your concern. I did not mean to lay it all out for everyone but it just came out when I started telling about the dog. It could still be days or months but we shall try our best to handle it well.
this post and the last made me realize again just why I love you so much! you are such a fabulous lady! I love that you make everything more fun- and lots funnier! thanks for sharing that optimism. It doesn't hurt that you're a touch crazy, too! I want to be just like you when I grow up :)
Wow, really great shoes, and I think that since you do such an amazing job, that you deserve to look hot while your doing it.... even if the patients are all asleep..........
That last photo is too funny. The one on the left looks like a clown shoe!
Your new ones are definitely an improvement.
I REALLY want to hear the 'falling in the ER' story. Someday. When I haven't JUST eaten breakfast.
Thanks so much for stopping by!!!!
This post slipped right past me, so I'm a little late! What cool shoes! Are they something you can buy anywhere or just at certain shoe stores? I sure could have used something like that when I worked at a vet's office - I once had plain tennis shoes on, and in my hurry to run across the room I slipped on a puddle of pee and broke my wrist! And I agree, a job where you stand for an entire work day, 8 to 12 hours, can play havoc on your back and feet!
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