Monday, June 21, 2010

Strawberries and Dads

This weekend I took some time on Saturday to sit at the Polk strawberry festival that's held every June. That's when the strawberries are ripe and juicy and great for making homemade icecream and having an old fashion icecream social and kiddie carnival. Booths are set up for vendors to peddle "whatever"..our hospital decided to set up a site to peddle our "total joints" know, knee, hip, shoulder, ankle,wrist,finger..well you get the point. I'm not sure Polk really will bring tons of patients our way, but we sat there anyway! This is a picture of downtown Polk..yep, just a cross road with a general store. I'm not kidding..that is the Polk general store. Hey, don't knock it, it has an ATM and I'm sure you can rent DVDs if you need to. You should blow this pic up to really get the true would really be perfect if an Amish buggy was passing by when I took the shot. I could have gotten closer for the pic, but I didn't want them to think I was making fun of them. You know, the city slicker taking a pic of the hick joint.
People found the charts interesting. It is fun to look at xrays..atleast I think it is!
Here are the demo implants that we had to show what exactly goes into your new knee when it gets "replaced". Aren't they pretty? Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea!

Father's Day was Sunday...a time to express our love and appreciation for our Dads. Jack's Dad passed away in 2001 and my Dad passed away in 1976. We both miss them and sure wish we could say to their faces how much we loved them. I know someday we will all meet again and Im really grateful for Jack and for being a good Dad to our boys. Thanks babe for all you do and all you've done to help raise those crazy and wonderful guys who now are Dad's themselves..except for Jordan..unless you count Eddy of course! Phil, Amanda and the girls stopped by on the Dad circuit..first us and then Amanda's Dad on Sunday. Thanks for stopping by and the girls took a few moments to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather for a dip in the pool.

Addy is trying to figure out why YaYa put that hat on her head..I don't think she liked it.
Lexi didn't care about wearing that silly hat, she was happy to float around in the pool and enjoy the day!


Donna said...

Total joints look good out there in the sticks! You did your good deed for the day!
ADORABLE pic of Ady!!! Too cute!! Also cute of Alexis!! Happy Father's Day, Jack

Wander to the Wayside said...

My son-in-law is a dentist, and he also goes to these little events to advertise by showing that dentists are good guys, not dispensers of pain!

I've been meaning to ask you about that pool. How long have you had it, and is it durable enough to last a few years? My daughter is thinking of getting one, but we don't want it to be something that only lasts one summer! Is it hard to store in the winter? Is it big enough to keep the older (grade school) kids satisfied? Garrett and Conner are 4 and 7, so I know it would be ok for them for now, but what about next summer? Anyway, just looking for a review!

Wander to the Wayside said...

Oh, I forgot to say how cute the hat photos are! I think it's so funny that, if you look thru every generation's and family's photos, you will find the same photos, just different faces...I have one of both of the boys, in straw hats, at almost the same age!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Great post. It made me want to be there at the festival especially strawberries.
If you had let me know I could of sent you my pictures of my broken vertibraes and you could say hey I know this fool who did this to her back. lol
Love the picture of the country store. Priceless. I live three miles from a town just like that and I don't think it has a ATM machine but I love the little place poplulation 87..haha
I miss my dad too he has been gone since 1988 and what I would give to hug him one more time and look into his big brown eyes that always radiated love.
Have a wonderful week

Mrs Catch said...

The hats are cute. Your grandchildren are pretty cute too!

Rose said...

computer now working so just saw your post. loved the photos. don't you just love hats? have a good sunday.

Karen Whittal said...

I should have let you take me joint, me knees are giving me up hill at the moment....... I love these kind of festivals, one of the things on my list of things to do, is pick my own strawberries, is a grass basket on a warm summers day