Donna invited Jack and I to join her and Larry on the lake this afternoon. Jack had a Boy Scout meeting but I couldn't resist this beautiful day so I was happy to come along for the ride. She asked Connie from work if her family would like to come also. Connie was on call but her girls, Claire and Gwen gladly came for the fun. Donna picked them up earlier in the day and they helped her make a picnic dinner. They are really cute and sweet girls. As you can see from the pics, the sky was a crystal, clear blue. The temps have really gone down (70's), but the sun felt wonderfully warm! Claire and Gwen seemed to have a great time.

Scooby, Donna's Yorkiepoo was happy to come for the ride and bask in the sun.

We spotted this cute sailboat off in the distance. I don't enjoy sailing, but I love the look of a sailboat on the water!

We took a nice, peaceful ride on the lake and then pulled into this pretty cove that Donna called picnic area 2. It was the perfect spot to stop and enjoy dinner. Why does food always tasted better outdoors?

Larry was so good and patient with the girls. He helped them load up their hooks with worms and cast out to get some fish!

While everyone was fishing, I enjoyed sitting back and taking in the scenery. I love the little islands that dot the lake.

Donna and the girls put together a yummy picnic dinner. Larry grilled the dogs to perfection and the blueberry dessert was to die for!

After dinner Larry took us to a "hot spot" for some more fishing...a place he knew the girls would get a catch. Success! Claire snagged a nice size catfish that she released asap after I snapped this quick pic.

Time to head back home. The diamonds on the lake sparkle and shine. It was a lovely, perfect mid week treat..Thanks Donna for the yummy dinner and Larry for being such a great captain as well as teacher of fishing and hot dog grilling!

what a beautiful day. looks like good fishing. the photos of the water are beautiful. thanks
What a great day you had. And lovely photos. I love being out on our boat when the weather's good. We often see whales and dolphins in the bay. Won't step foot on it when it's windy though as I get sea sick!
So glad I stopped by to read this post. Looks like you guys had the perfect day outside.
I am like you why does food always taste better on a picnic. One of my favorite things to do and have not had one in ages.
It seems as if I have missed the whole summer already lying in bed.
You should do a blogazine story for my site so everyone can get to know you.
"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily,merrily, life is but a dream!" Ok, you weren't rowing, but what an awesome way to while away the hours on a summer afternoon! (And this reminds me that I need to get some hotdogs and buns, something we don't have on a regular basis, but love for the picnics or backyard campfires when the grandsons are here!)
As I've been stuck at my desk for days I so envy the glorious day you've had. Oh to be out on a picnic! Loved Scoobie - I'd pop him in my pocket and run! Thanks also for dropping by Scrubby Bush recently, glad you're still in touch. I still have you down as following the cat blog, which I'm not running any longer, so feel free to unfollow that one and directly link to Scrubby Bush. I'm not sure my animals are as cute as Scoobie, but I'll do the suirrel gliders soon and they come close!
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