Saturday, November 30, 2024

November Farewell

 Well, that went slick as snot on a doorknob!  November has earned it's farewell for 2024.  Thanksgiving was a smaller than normal affair here.  A few kiddos showed up later for dessert and we all had a lovely time catching up, planning for Christmas, and enjoying a few new members.  Jordan's girlfriend, Brittany, and her daughter, 2yr old Haylee.  I will try and get picks later because I really blew it this year and never got any!  What? Yep,  Oh well, there will be plenty of Kodak moments next month.  That's tomorrow my friends!  So I will bid November farewell.  We had our first snowfalls and now it's super cold.  But that's Ok as we have the woodstove humming along and we are toasty and comfy.  Today I went shopping with my daughter-in-law, Evelyn, Granddaughter Summer, and her son's ex wife Stephanie.  Yes we are one big get along family!  My son Jack and my hubby Jack went with us for a bit but took off to buy food for lunch and watch the Ohio State game that turned out to be the real turkey this year.  Oops.  We girls stayed downtown and shopped for small business Saturday and I got a few things for gifts and we laughed a lot and had fun.  Here's one pic I did take of Summer.  She had brought her dog Happy along and he was so darn good. Never heard a peep or bark out of him.

Nobody in the stores minded that he was there and I bet many didn't even notice.  After some hours of fun Summer and her Mom went their way and Evelyn and I headed back to the Pines.  We did take a quick stop at the Parsley Pot and found some things we couldn't resist.  At home Evelyn and myself enjoyed a quick snack of all the wings the guys had bought!  We were starving since we hadn't eaten all day.  We had fun and I'm going to be decorating for Christmas starting tomorrow.  I can't believe how quickly this year has gone but I shouldn't be surprised as every year seems to fly by quicker.  I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving.   Bye Bye didn't disappoint!


jack69 said...

Inever was much for shopping, but Sherry always loved to get together with her sisters and nieces, she was not fortunate enough to have daughters to shop with. and she could not count on me after the first few years. LOL Glad you guys had a great time, we got together with son Mark and he bought us steaks to grill nice, in downtown Orlando...
Yep November slid away!

Julia said...

You are so right, November went fast but also the whole year just slipped away like sand in a hour glass. Like your house, our house used to be always full and now that the family are all grown with families of their own, we have fewer family gatherings or visits but I'm always busy.

We had our first snowfall but it melted except for along the road where the plow left a snow bank. Uptown they had a considerable snowfall.

Take care and have fun decorating for Christmas.
Hugs, Julia

TheCrankyCrow said...

It sounds like a relaxing holiday time even if shy a few family members. Mine were all absent so VERY quiet and uneventful. It's scaring me how fast time is whirring by. I remember as a child not being able to wait to grow up and a "year" seemed liked a lifetime. My mom always said that time goes faster the older you get...and she was right as rain as usual. Frigid cold here as well...we only have a dusting of snow on the ground but, yikes! that cold moved in some kind of quick. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Too bad about Ohio State, but the pepper spraying of Michigan was unsportsmanlike. Looks like they both got fined now as Michigan decided to brawl after that. What little snow we had is already melted away. On to December. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya. Glad to hear that you had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope December is a good month for you and your family. Have a good week!

Kay G. said...

Hey! Hope your November was as great as mine, isn't Thanksgiving just always so wonderful? Did Jack and you clear out his office? That must have been some hard work. Have a restful December!