Saturday, September 28, 2024

And The Rains Came Down

In the last 2 weeks we've finally gotten much needed rain.  I'm not sure if the drought has been fixed but my grass is looking much greener.  I haven't mowed in almost a month!  I do feel so bad for our family and friends down south and send out prayers for all those who are really suffering with that horrible hurricane that has swept the areas in our southern states.  Our temps have remained mild and now it's a bit more humid than we've had all summer.  I really can't complain about the lack of mosquitoes!  Everyone seems a bit worried that our Fall colors will be drab.  Lots of stress on our trees.  But I'm thinking it will be a little later for color.  Our neighbor's tree across the way is changing nicely.

Notice the brown grass!  It's looking better today.  I've been busy working and decorating for the season. In 2 weeks my family from Chicago will come and gather with the clan here for our annual Halloween/Autumn party.  Midge and I have some ideas for the kiddos and looking ahead it looks like a chilly, Fall weekend.  Good for a fire in the pit!  Downtown Ashland has some activities going on that will entertain them and then I believe they are heading to Cedar Point on that Sunday for the Hallow weekends.  I've been helping out at the Historical Society Freer House again this year.  My friend, Bonnie, and I did up a couple of the rooms and I'm hoping to get it all done tomorrow.  They will have tours of the house starting on October 17th until the 27th.  I think it's looking pretty good so far.  They even have the basement open and decorated.  You see, the Freer House was called the Children's Home and it was where juvenile delinquents would go also.  There are actual jail like cells in the basement!  I saw them for the first time last week and just felt a terrible sadness down there.  I couldn't imagine children locked in those tiny rooms.  I'll take pics next time I'm there and show you.  In the mean time, here's a few pics of the room we've been working on.

A little story time by a kindly witch?
Maybe a nice lunch with some chatty skeletons!  I think once we're all done it will be even better than last year.  Again, more pics at a later date.  Finally, some Homecoming pics featuring our Granddaughter Addy Rae:
Lexi came down from Bowling Green University for the weekend to see her little but taller sister all dressed for the dance. Love those kiddos!  I can't believe that in a few days Addy will be 16!  I think her dad was just that age, right?!   Well, that's all I've got for now.  Just one note of sadness this week.  Annabelle's boyfriend, Cooper, died this week.   He was the sweetest little poodle that would come a couple times a week, bark until Annabelle would come outside, and they would sniff each other, run around a bit, then he'd head back home next door.   We were really sad when our neighbor called to tell us the news.  Cooper was 10 and was very active but developed Cushing disease and it took him quick.  RIP sweet Coop and say hi to your old buddies, Chubs and Arnold.  If you happen to see Eddy at the rainbow bridge, give him a kiss from us. 

We woofed you too buddy!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

First, dear friend, I have this "urgent" message, As promised, I came "out of retirement" a couple of weeks ago to read and comment on your mid-month post, the one describing how Jack is phasing out his practice and retiring. I submitted my comment three times. Each time, it went to print on your blog but then vanished within a few seconds. Please check your spam folder and publish my comment if you can find it. Also, please check your settings to see if you can determine how and why my comment was sorted as junk after all these years. I'd hate to think that we might be cut off from one another, at least over here at your Pines site.

Like you, we have received some rain over the last few days, but not very much. After weeks of drought, we were hoping to get drenched by the remnants of the hurricane, but the system hooked left and missed us. However, we have been experiencing gusty winds. This morning, I found one of our tall potted plants overturned on the deck. Family members who live in the same part of Florida we did for decades told us by phone that they are AOK, but the coastal county where Mrs. Shady's daughter and family lived before moving up north was hit hard, with something like 11 deaths reported.

I wish you favorable and seasonably cool weather for your family's Halloween bash this year. It will be nice to see pics of Midge again. I admire the work you and Bonnie are doing at the Freer House. I'd like to smooch that friendly witch right on the lips. That skeleton is the same guy who went into a bar and ordered a beer... and a mop. :)

Right before my eyes (and yours), my good friends and your grandkiddos Addy Rae Rae and Lexi have grown into lovely young women. Hello to them from Shady! For the second time in a row, you spooked me with a story involving my sweetie pie Annabelle. When you mentioned sad news, my eyes darted down to a white dog and I assumed the worst. I am relieved that Annabelle is AOK, but saddened to learn that her canine pal Cooper has passed away. I hope, as you suggest, that he is now happily romping with Chubs, Arnold, Eddy and my wonderful departed animal companions Toto and Boots ("Bootsie-Wootsie") the black cat. As you might recall, Boots died last year, two months before we moved north from Florida.

Well, I hope this comment goes through to print on your blog. and that you can find my missing comment from a couple of weeks ago. Take care and, if your schedule permits, join the fun at Shady's Place this coming Tuesday, Oct. 1, when I will kick-off the Halloween season with the first of two frightful posts. Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend YaYa!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oooo, what fun you must be having with your decorating and planning! I don't think I will be doing much here as I didn't get to it BW ("Before the Wedding") and now I don't have much time (or is it motivation??) to do it. It seems so less worthwhile when I am the only one who enjoys it...and, these days, that enjoyment is tempered by the dread of taking things back down. I was a bit chilled reading about the children's cells in the basement. I can only imagine the darkness that lingers there. I'm looking forward, though, to lots of photos. We have had only one drenching rain in the past several weeks - of course, it was on the day/night of the wedding. Ugh! I think we're having some of the warmest temps of the entire summer currently although it is to cool down again mid week. So sad about Cooper.... Take care and enjoy your Sunday my friend! ~Robin~ (PS...your grands are absolutely lovely!)

Prims By The Water said...

Well I hope Ashland is still having their activities. I heard they got hit bad with flooding around that area, including my nephew who lives east of there. Love your decor! Hope the clan all has fun when they come in. Cannot wait for the photos. Cannot wait to have some bonfires around here. Just waiting for it to be a bit more cooler. Janice