Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bye Bye July!

This is a first for  me.  Only 2 posts in July.  One is a hello and one a goodbye.  What have I been up to? We've been trying to finish projects this summer that needed done around the Pines.  A bathroom update is finally in the books.

A new tub 

We kept the same  vanity as it was built in and very good wood.  Just had it repainted and a new vanity top and faucet, lights, and a mirror I found at a thrift shop.
My sister spotted this little picture at the resale shop in Chicago we love to go for treasures.  The ceiling was redone and painted and I painted the walls.  Time well spent I think. Glad it's over!  Then I had decided to change a planting area that had been near our front walkway after we changed the sidewalk from wood to cement. I pulled out all the hostas and flowers and replanted them elsewhere to make space for a fence.  

My sister was visiting last week and left yesterday but on Monday we put the fence in! 
I told Jack that we proved what two old broads with a sledge hammer can do! Ha!  There's just a small part that needs to be finished and that will hopefully be done this weekend.  New plantings and grass will go in but our weather has been hot, humid, and also very dry.  You'd think with the humidity we'd get rain but only a few sprinkles here and there.  Not great weather to plant grass!  We'll do our best to get it done before the end of the next month.  As I mentioned, Midge was visiting since last Thursday until yesterday.  We packed as much as we could in those days.  My niece Amy, along with her hubby Eric and Midge's grandkiddos were heading to Cedar Point so I met them at the turnpike, grabbed Midge and headed here while her family enjoyed 3 days at the amusement park.  Then the kids came here on Sunday and gathered with us for lunch until they headed to Mohican area and spent 2 days at a cabin owned by a friend of ours.
It's a pretty location and cabin sleeps 10 and has all the comforts of home along with a nice hot tub. They hoped to go canoeing on Monday but the area got lots of rain which made me mad since we only got a tiny bit.  But they managed to find other fun things to do.
Amy and Midge checking out the yard area

There's a nice pavilion and a huge fire pit.

Before they headed down to the cabin they joined us for a nice lunch at the Pines.
Amy and  my great niece, Ella.
Jack ready for chow!

Jordan, Jackie and my niece's hubby, Eric.  I didn't get pics of the other kids there.  They were busy running around outside and checking out the neighbor's animals.  We had a good time and my sister and I enjoyed being together and laughing all the time and probably driving Jack a little crazy! He's a good egg to go along with us on some of our adventures and then just let us hang out and enjoy our time.  It sure went fast just like this month.  I hopefully will get back on the blog wagon and post more for my own journal and memories as well as checking my blog buddies out to see how they're all doing.  It's almost August so I'd better get going.  Night all!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hello July!

 I didn't get a blog out on the 4th of July but I did celebrate with family and a good friend of ours joined the group too.  She's the lady I told you about who lost her husband this year. We try to make sure she's not alone on holidays.  Anyway, guess who didn't take a single pic on that day...yep, me! I just got so busy making sure everyone was eating and enjoying the rainy day I didn't think about picking up the camera or using my phone.  Yes, the rains came but the fireworks still went off as planned. We stayed home but my daughter-in-law and her daughter and granddaughter went.  The only pics I got were:

The carved wooden eagle our son did for Jack a few years ago got a quick holiday outfit on.
I have a star shaped cake mold that makes 6 cakes and I usually whip up a few for this holiday. It's hard to tell what it is from this shot but they had cherry filling and did get eaten! We also did ribs and homemade icecream.  The rain didn't stop us from eating!  We really needed the rain so no complaining about it!  I happened to be off that week since one of the Docs who works 3 days a week at the endoscopy unit was on vacation and that's who I usually work with so I took advantage of the time.  Annabelle and I took a little walk at Freer Field where the Balloon festival had been held.  It was pretty quiet that morning and temps were nice and cool.
I enjoy the trail through the woods.

Coming out of the woods I could spy a couple just sitting on a bench on the hill enjoying the beautiful morning.   Speaking of enjoying a beautiful morning, I took a minute to sit out on the deck one of the mornings and have my tea and toast and just enjoy the pretty day.

So far the bugs haven't been bad but with the warm and humid days we've just been having I'm sure the mosquitoes will arrive and sitting outdoors without screens isn't going to happen much.

On another morning walk we had to stop by and say hi to our alpaca friends...little cute Beano!
Annabelle likes to get up and personal!
This scared me for a minute but this alpaca was just sleeping in the leaves! She soon popped her head up and got up and moved to a new spot.  Well, that's all I've got for now.  I hope the warm weather isn't hurting anyone too badly. We have temps in the 80's with humidity and I'm trying not to complain but enjoy this season.  However, I know soon it will be Fall and then I'll have my happy face on!