Wednesday, May 12, 2021

One More Hurdle


I'm sure everyone is sick of my health too! Hopefully this is a last challenge for the year. Yesterday I had cervical neck surgery.  Because I had issues from C-3 to T-1 they went in posterior.... back of repair damage. It didn't happen because of my fall in March. Congenital and degenerate from age has plagued my neck for years . Good Chiropractic care kept me going but my symptoms went into high gear this year.  The surgery went good and hopefully I'll be home tomorrow. I had to go to the big hospital in Cleveland... University, not the Clinic.  Driving over an hour to get here is a pain but necessary.  So that's all folks! Fingers crossed 🤞!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

Yessum, I have my fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes crossed, dear friend! Let's review. Ever since you retired, you have been spending entirely too many hours and days back inside hospitals for one reason or another. I am sorry to see you temporarily out of commission again, but hopefully this operation will lead to permanent improvement. I'll skip the "pain in the neck" jokes and just say "keep your chin up." Oops -it looks like that brace is already making sure of that.

I am thinking about you, dear Kathleen, and keeping you in my prayers. Returning home tomorrow and finding Arnie dancing a jig and all excited to see you should speed your recovery. I hope so.

Bless you, dear friend YaYa!

Susan Zarzycki said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery and prayers said for an end to your neck problems. Bloggy love.❤️

jack69 said...

Amen to Susan above. Prayers for a quick recovery.
Sherry & jack Take care and be safe...

joeh said...

Had a c6 laminectomy 35 years ago...neck still good, no nerve pinching since. Surgeons are amazing!!

acorn hollow said...

My brother in law was up for that surgery but needed other things fixed first.
I hope you heal quickly and back to walking the spooky woods very soon this summer.

betty said...

Wishes for a speedy recovery! I bet once you are healed and up and about, you will feel great!


Julia said...

I'm sorry you had to have surgery to correct your neck pain but I'm glad it all over. Wishing you a quick recovery so you can busy yourself with what keeps you happy and active. Age slows me down too.

Take care and keep on smiling.

Prims By The Water said...

Oh no. So sorry to hear this and hope you are on the mend now. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

So sorry to hear this. I hope you heal quickly.

Eva Wilson said...
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CHERI said...

Oh dear! Looks like you are in great spirits though. I too have had health issues this past year...all of which have been crazy as the dickens!!! I have all these symptoms, have tests made and nothing is found. I'm beginning to think I've gone off the deep end. For someone who absolutely ABHORS any kind of medical issue or medical procedure, I sure have been dealing with a lot of them lately. I guess it's old age!!!!! Sure hope you recover quickly with no pain or issues. Then you can really enjoy retirement.

Kathy said...

Hope you are doing better each day. Neck/back problems are the worst in my opinion. Do just as you are supposed to so you can get back to your normal schedule quickly.

Aletha briggs said...
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gin said...

Oh my, girl! I’m so sorry to hear this. I know you’ll be up and back to your spunky self soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

gin said...

P.S. one thing going for you is you still look great even in that hospital bed!!

gin said...

P.S. one thing going for you is you still look great even in that hospital bed!!

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