Jack and I got our second vaccine on Friday. We decided to do our usual Saturday running around right after incase we would have any reaction. Some do, some don't. We did. Saturday afternoon we had aches and very tired and I had chills. But better today. Tomorrow more shots in the arm for me. I'm getting surgery to repair my left wrist.
It's not suppose to bend like this. They x-rayed my right arm too because it hurt. They said it was fine even though Jack questioned one spot by the elbow when he looked at the x-ray. I questioned it too and even asked for another film. Nope they said, no need. I went to the Ortho doc on Thursday and showed him my arm...
Pretty black and blue for not having a break. He looked at the x-ray and said: Well, it's broke too...right here (where Jack originally questioned) by my elbow. Thankfully it's small enough to not need anything done.
My head is fine too except for the abrasion that's now a lovely shade of green, blue, and yellow! I hope whoever read the CT scan didn't screw that diagnosis! Anyway, I just want to get this fixed and let the healing begin. Puts a damper on Easter again this year. But Greek Easter is May 2nd so we're going to celebrate then. To end this post here's something that makes me smile ;Those that have followed my blog know I collect Lori Mitchell figurines and know I have some for all the holidays. I found this guy in Chicago a few weeks ago. I love him because he can be in the kitchen all year. His curl and his cute outfit and cake just makes me happy. Some folks like dead animals on their walls...I like skinny legged figurines! Go figure!Finally, temps here have been mild off and on and these favorite Spring blooms have arrived. It will be colder this week and even a few snow flakes could appear. But I'll enjoy this touch of sunshine while I can. And that's a happy shot in the arm!