Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Putting Up With Noise

 Hello March madness, and I'm not talking about basketball.  I don't know how March approached your neck of the woods, but I like to say it arrived here last week like an angry lamb.  Not quite as harsh as a lion but not quite as mild as a lamb.  We've gone up and down with temps and that seems to be the pattern for this month as it "marches" on.  How have you been putting up with the noise of the political scene?  I don't do politics on my blog but I must say the noise from both parties and the junk on social media has my ears ringing.  So, I keep my opinions to myself, scroll on by, and try to find fun and uplifting things to look at or read.   As you all know, I went back to work a few years ago...3 years, I think.  It's been good so far.  I don't do big stuff in surgery at the hospital anymore and I work only if needed.  Mostly I'm working 2-3 days a week.  I work in an endoscopy lab that is located at a different location than our hospital.  I work with a great group of people.  It's small, quiet, and I can park near the door! Ha! If you're working at the hospital the employees have to park 1/4 mile from there and hike over.  Anyway, due to some remodeling being done to upgrade our scope cleaning process they have moved us to the hospital for, probably, 6 weeks or so.  My first day being back in the hospital surgery area was yesterday.  It was an eye opener as I had forgotten how noisy, busy, crazy, and tense it can be there.  The beeps, the overhead paging, the music from the ORs, the constant flow of staff out and about is different from our quiet area at the Mifflin location.   Maybe my age is showing here but I will be happy to get back to what I now consider my home work place.  I'm thankful Jack has volunteered to drive me to work at the hospital and drop me at the door so I don't have to truck across 2 parking lots, a busy street corner, and sidewalks not always maintained the best during snow and ice time. When I leave work, it's nice to come home to peace and quiet here at the Pines.  Jack and I lead a pretty boring life here!  Even our dog, Annabelle, is quiet.  Since we've had her for 3 years now, she's never barked.  Not sure why but for a Westie she's not noisy!  She's a good little pup and even puts up with my getting her a doggy stroller.

Doesn't she look thrilled to be there?  I thought when we travel with her if she's in a stroller we could take her inside a store or shop if needed.  I saw a friend do that on Facebook so I thought I'd give it a try.  We're planning on a trip to Maine this summer and will take her with us.  I just need to practice giving her rides I guess.  Poor thing.  One final quiet bit of info.  I don't know if you're a chili fan or if you've ever had Wendy's chili.  It's not my go to for carry out but Jack loves their chili.  The other day our son said he got Wendy's chili at Walmart.  Really?  Well, we were at Sam's club the other day and on a stroll down the aisle that has chili, low and behold:
There it was!  We snatched up a pack and after trying it out, Jack declared it really good! (Not as good as my homemade, right babe?)  So, I hope your last days of the first week of March go quietly, not too cold or snowy, and don't forget to "Spring Forward" this weekend!


TheCrankyCrow said...

You're very fortunate that Jack takes you to work and pick you up. The parking at hospitals is worse than at Walmart. SERIOUSLY worse...and not just for staff. After my stint in the hospital recently, I had to return for a follow-up appt with one of the dr's that treated me. I swear I was parked a mile away and didn't know if I had the stamina to make it to the front door. We had a nasty winter storm come through today. Buckets of rain last night. Then snow...and wind... AWFUL wind with blowing snow and drifting. So very ready for spring, but knowing it will be a good while here in Nod. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

I do like Wendy's chili, but we do not have one nearby so I hardly ever get to go there. Have not had it in years now. How nice that Jack takes you to work and back. I use to work in a noisy environment and then moved to a smaller location and at first I could not stand the silence. Then I got use to the silence and then got transferred to a busy location and had to get use to the noise once again. There are times at home I just like to be in silence with nothing on when Bob is at the store on the weekends. It is nice to me. Mother Nature here is being fickle. We had an all day rain yesterday and now back to snow. UGH Janice

Kay G. said...

Like you, I try to steer clear of politics. Having said that, I left a comment on a post on a blogging friend from Scotland. Wow, I got a rather evil reply from someone else! So, that's why I don't like to discuss politics. Too many nasty people out there! And guess what, Wendy's chili is supposed to be gluten free! It is at the restaurant, anyway. My husband has to be gluten free and the baked potatoes are one of the few things he can eat if we are out and about looking for food quickly! Oh, and noise! It drives me crazy. I keep earplugs to protect my hearing when I am in big stores with loud music!