Friday, January 24, 2025


 We made it through the coldest week ever!  It broke a few records around these parts but thankfully we  didn't get the amount of snow the southern states did.  I'm sure the kiddos that had never seen snow were having a great time.  The grownups, perhaps not so much.  A few flakes can shut down those places not equipped to handle it but a foot of snow is down right paralyzing.  We had snow off and on but it came in just a few inches at a time.  No biggie here.  Our schools were shut down until yesterday because of the dangerous temps.  It's suppose to get up into the 20's and 30's this weekend which will feel like a heat wave! We've been hunkered down at the Pines with Jack manning the wood furnace.  Phil and Jackie came over last weekend and split wood that got us set to handle the cold.  We were very grateful for wonderful sons who care about us!  Jordan was fighting the same virus his Dad has had and was home from work a few days and really feeling crummy.  On Saturday, last weekend, our Granddaughter Rae had the high school winter formal dance.  Her boyfriend's Grandpa is the maintenance man for the Historical Society buildings and got them in for some pictures.

For a winter formal, that dress looked pretty chilly to me!  I think I'm getting old! She did have a shrug wrap that went with it but didn't wear it for the pics. The Victorian settee was very pretty too!
They were good sports about letting us take pics in places like the library in this beautiful building.
I liked the ones on the stairs.  It was nice of Gabe's Grandpa to get them in and I enjoyed seeing them have fun too.  So that about sums up our week!  I didn't work this week because the hospital hasn't been busy and the doc I work with at the endoscopy lab was on vacation.   So just puttering around, shoveling snow, taking Annabelle out for quick walks has been the order of the days.  We did go for a little drive today to an Amish store for some fresh eggs.
For $2.50 a dozen they are much cheaper than the grocery store!  The sun was shining even if it was only 17de out and it was lovely to see the pretty landscape.  For my final pic of the post:
Annabelle and her crazy hair in the morning.  Have a good weekend everyone!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

I'm dropping in to see you one last time before I go into hiding as a dormant blogger. (I'll be sleeping in the Yeti's den if you need to reach me.) Yessum, it was a brutally cold week, and you apparently had much lower overnight temps than we did. While I love the cold and am grateful to be back up north, I'm relieved now that the mercury is on the rise. As it is in your vicinity, so far this season we received snowfall in small to moderate doses that did not overwhelm us. Some of Mrs. Shady's relatives live in Alabama and they are (or were) snow covered. I'm happy to learn that your sons rose to the occasion and split logs for your fireplace. Sorry Jord is under the weather at the present time and wish him a speedy recovery. I remember him doing the wood splitting chores for you last winter or perhaps the year before unless he was still out west at that time.

Shirley, your grandkiddo and my old friend Addy Rae Rae was the belle of the ball. She looked simply smashing in that winter formal gown. I agree that the pic taken on the staircase is the best of them all, and what a cool and unique setting for the photo op!

Glad you found an egg-stra good price at that Amish store. Thanks for showing a picture of sweet Annabelle, the Princess Pup of The Pines.

Thank you also for visiting me at Shady's Place. Take care of yourself and I'll see you around V-Day, dear friend YaYa!

jack69 said...

great pictures, they sure grow up fast, for sure. Yes, down south we seem to close everything with the hit of snow. LOL Stores get empty shelves like we are gonna be snowed in for weeks. WE just noticed the price of eggs went above $4 in the stores, my daddy and mother preferred the brown eggs when they could get them. Good price for today, that is for sure....
Love from a cool Florida...

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ahhh...your weather sounds like ours...double digits ABOVE 0º is going to feel amazing! How fun that Rae and Gabe were able to have their photos taken in those beautiful historical settings. I agree, though, that the dress looks chilly, but that certainly is the trend these days. I saw a group of young peeps out for a pre-dinner dance recently and just looking at all the exposed skin made me shiver. Glad you were able to get out and go to the Amish store...I haven't been to one in a long time. There's nothing like farm fresh eggs other than, perhaps, brown farm fresh eggs. ;-) Happy weekend! ~Robin~

Kathy said...

What great pictures, although I agree that the dress seems a little cool for the winter weather. The location is perfect though for the pictures. We have been getting the COLD weather also. I will be glad to see temperatures above freezing that they are predicting for this coming week. Take care and try to stay warm.

Prims By The Water said...

How wonderful to have pictures taken in this wonderful historical setting. This will be a cherished moment for them. The kiddos here had no school either with the cold temps. Even Tundra did not want to go outside and he is a snow dog. Now he does since we are back in the 20's. I use to buy farm eggs and stopped when covid hit. Probably should do it again. Hope your weekend is a good one for you. Janice

Julia said...

I like the photo on the stairs too and I agree, the dress looks a bit chilly especially for this time of year. Our winter has been milder than usual with very little snow but then it turned very cold all of a sudden and we got about 6 inches of snow.
Last week I saw a young girl wearing a short top that exposed her flesh from bellow her breasts right down to below her belly button and her coat wide open. Yes, that cool, real cool. Lol... It made me feel cold.

Take care and keep warm. Hugs.

DR Jessica said...

Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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