Thursday, March 16, 2023

March Madness

 I know March madness is usually about basketball least I think that's what it means! Anyway as this month "marches" on I feel a bit out of step.  In the beginning of the month I didn't work for almost 2 weeks because one of the endoscopy docs was on vacation.  I worked just one day last week on Friday and it was a long 10hr day. I survived but paid the price over the weekend trying to recoup.  Then I agreed to work 3 days this week. Then I also agreed to work an extra morning because a friend of ours was having surgery and wanted me there if possible. OK,  so now it's 4 days of work.  No biggie but I also decided to take a trip to Chicago this weekend to help my sister with a church fund raiser (a bake sale) and also help her celebrate her birthday.  I really wasn't planning on doing this but just felt I should and I know I will be glad after I go.  Also I baked a lot of stuff for the sale.  The house has smelled delish every night as I finish baking around 10pm.  However, after working all day it's been a struggle to stay motivated! To top it off I brought dinner in tonight to the friend who had the surgery. It was a simple, not hard to make meal but I ended up cutting the tip of my thumb with a knife.  So dumb!  Tomorrow at work should be interesting with a big bandage on it!  Hmmm....March madness? Or YaYa madness for biting off more than I can chew?  I'll let you know when  I get back next week if the phrase "No good deed goes unpunished" is a reality!  Miss Annabelle is staying home with Jack and Jordan. She's pretty attached to me so this should be interesting! Hopefully she will behave and all will be well.  So I'm taking a deep breath tonight and I'll finish this whiny post with some pics from the week and a very Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone tomorrow!  Our town creek is getting dyed green as usual and if the weather cooperates I guess there will be a parade.  Now don't have too much corned beef and cabbage! (or green beer!)

A little snow this week.   We've had a pretty mild winter here unlike many across the country. We got about an inch the other day but it's all gone now.
A little frosting on me too~
Annabelle doesn't mind the weather as long as the wind is mild and doesn't scare her! She loves her walks!

Here's one of my baking results.  Drop, raison, with mini chocolate chips. They aren't for the bake fact they're all gone! Ha!  Don't worry, I have plenty other goodies heading out to Chi town on Saturday! Gee, when I get back it will officially be Spring!  I'm ready!


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, YaYa!

You have me huffing and puffing just from reading about all you've got on your plate, dear friend. When you start to feel overwhelmed, simply chunk it down and take care of one task or commitment at a time. Pretty soon, the number of items on your to-do list will be shrinking, the number of items in the "already done" column will be growing and you'll be feeling good about yourself for handling it all. It's a little early, but I want to wish Midge a happy birthday and many more. Please drive safely to Chicago and back. I know that your baked goods will be a hit at the sale.

Annabelle's coat is snowy white and beautiful. I hope you take her over to see the alpaca on your walks. I also hope she behaves for Jack and Jord while mommy's away. I'm really sorry you stuck your thumb with a knife. Hope it heals AOK and doesn't hamper you at work. Mrs. Shady is constantly cutting her fingers while preparing meals. She also burns herself a lot while cooking.

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and your family. I wish you good health and fair weather for your travels in the days ahead and hope you get some rest whenever possible. I'll be thinking about you. Enjoy the rest of your week and have a safe and happy weekend at Hope and Midge's, dear friend YaYa!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya! You have been one busy woman! I am a few years younger than you, but I don't think I have all of your energy! I can just smell the delicious things you are contributing to the bake sale in Chicago. So nice of you to help your sister out - and to help some many others too. I hope that your thumb heals up quickly and that you have safe travels to and from your sister's. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and Happy Spring!

Julia said...

Sorry about cutting the tip of your thumb while helping out your sister to raise funds for her church. I'm sure she will appreciate all your help and will be happy to see you. I know you'll have a lot of fun at the fun-$ raiser. Your scones look like yummy cookies.

It sounds like you're working almost full-time. You'll have to carve some time just for yourself. Easier said than done, I know. I'm sure your friend will feel assured that you are present during her surgery.

Take care my friend and don't over do it. I'm slowing down big time now.

Prims By The Water said...

Have a fun and safe trip to Chicago I know they dye the river green there too! Happy Birthday to your sister. Hope your goodies are a hit, but I love scones so I would buy some. Spring is near. Janice