Saturday, November 11, 2017

Thank You Veterans

Just a quick post to shout out a very grateful  "THANK YOU"  to all our veterans.  We celebrate your bravery, willingness to serve, and love of  this great country.   It saddens me that we have so many that say we are not great but do nothing but grandstand and draw attention to themselves instead of putting energy into making it better.  Did you vote?  Do you take part in community improvements? Do you find out as much information about issues and make good choices for political changes?  I'm pretty far from perfect on these myself but I'm trying to do better and will always support those who risk their lives for us.  Will I ever "take a knee"?  You prayer daily and I pray we can be the great country, wonderful people of America, and strong supporters of freedom.  God Bless America and a humble thanks again to our service men and woman.   My Dad served in WWII and my brothers in proud of them! 
Miss my Dad every day.
A photo of war torn Berlin that my Dad took during the war.
Yep, he's the guy with the green X! 


Kay G. said...

Thank you to all veterans!
Great photo of your Dad. xx

betty said...

So grateful for those that are willing to serve! I'm with you; the only knee I'll take is both knees down as I pray. I think our country needs more of that and being involved in making it great than protesting without doing anything about it.


Julia said...

Hi Yaya, those photos of your dad must bring it all home to you about the value that the veterans are to your freedom and your country's freedom.

We also remembered our veterans yesterday as it was Remembrance Day yesterday.
Warm hugs on this cold November day.

Rick Watson said...

Good post Yaya.