Thursday, January 30, 2025

January Final Thoughts

 Oh January how I won't miss you after tomorrow!  Yep, this very cold month will be over and I can put this one behind me and hope for a better February.  I shouldn't complain because we are doing fine but the scam that left us a little poorer but a lot smarter was a shocker.  Jack got that crummy bug that's been going around and so did Jordan.  Both are better now.  It's been going around where I work too.  So far I'm knocking on wood that it doesn't come my way.  My sister too has had it and she's finally sounding better.  My BFF, Donna, has been struggling with a perplexing condition that has left her with muscle weakness in her legs and having to use a walker.  Hoping she can get some answers with more tests on the way. Work has been very quiet.   One of our busiest surgeons left for greener pastures and left a big open hole in the hospital surgery schedule.  When the hospital isn't busy the staff goes to the Endoscopy unit that's about 5 miles from the main hospital campus.  When they're there, I'm not needed.   I usually get 2-3 days a week but not much lately.  I enjoy what I do there and the few who work there regularly have become good friends.  So, all in all, it's just been a bit different for the start of this year.   But enough whining for tonight!  Jack and I went to the Temple today and enjoyed a much-needed, quiet prayerful time.  It has put me in a better mood to face February!   Tomorrow, to finish January, I get to have an evaluation done by my boss.  Now you must take in consideration that she's never watched me work.  But no worries since we do our own evals.  We answer questions like:  What's the best part of your job.  What makes you excited about your job.  What are your goals for the next year...blah, blah, blah.  You also have to give yourself a score from 1-10 on how you feel you do at your job.  I'm a PRN worker.  That means I just go in and do my job, collect my paycheck, and can say yes or no when they ask if I can work certain days. I get no benefits, so I really don't have a big skin in the game.  I do work hard when I'm there and the one thing I never, ever say is the phrase: "I'm tired".   I leave that to the younger ones.  When I feel like I really am tired and the job isn't fun anymore, I'll be out.  Anyway, I gave myself a 7 with the idea that nobody is perfect, and I like to leave room for improvement! Ha!  So, my goals are to get to work on time, get through the day without saying I'm tired and hopefully work on the days the drug reps bring lunch.  They have big expense accounts!  Here's my final thoughts for this final week and days of January:

EAT LIKE A BIRD:   I don't know who made up that fairy tale.  We have birds at our feeder that hang out there all day and eat constantly.  Reminds me of a group of folks at Golden Corral that were bragging about being there all day and were there for dinner too!  Plus, those birds are messy!

Innocent bird buffet.

Messy mess on the deck:

The ground under the feeder.  Eat like a bird my eye!  We have had some lovely birds come and visit though.  The cardinals, red headed woodpeckers, blue jays, and of course the tiny birds that aren't afraid when we walk out on the deck.  They aren't leaving their buffet for anyone!  That's it for now.  Here's my final pic of the post:
Our Annabelle hasn't met a couch that she doesn't love!  She has the right idea.  Night all! Bye January!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Yaya. I was just trying to decide if I was going to go to the temple this weekend, and reading this post made me realize that some time at the temple is just what I need! Sounds like your January has been challenging. Mine too. I am glad to be moving on to February. I hope that is a better month for all of us!

acorn hollow said...

It was a cold hard month here too but it made good ice for the hocky players this weekend and the fishing derby next weekend. So the bright side I guess.
But there has been horrible news all around. My heart is so full of sorry for them.

Prims By The Water said...

Our Tundra is on the couch right now as I type. He would rather be on there than sleeping on the floor. Lets hope February gets better. It rained all day...and now the snow came in. Not sure how much we are getting, but I am over it. Hopefully you wont get the bug. I hate evaluations. Will be glad when I retire next year so I wont have to do them anymore myself. Janice

DR Jessica said...

Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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