Thursday, January 30, 2025

January Final Thoughts

 Oh January how I won't miss you after tomorrow!  Yep, this very cold month will be over and I can put this one behind me and hope for a better February.  I shouldn't complain because we are doing fine but the scam that left us a little poorer but a lot smarter was a shocker.  Jack got that crummy bug that's been going around and so did Jordan.  Both are better now.  It's been going around where I work too.  So far I'm knocking on wood that it doesn't come my way.  My sister too has had it and she's finally sounding better.  My BFF, Donna, has been struggling with a perplexing condition that has left her with muscle weakness in her legs and having to use a walker.  Hoping she can get some answers with more tests on the way. Work has been very quiet.   One of our busiest surgeons left for greener pastures and left a big open hole in the hospital surgery schedule.  When the hospital isn't busy the staff goes to the Endoscopy unit that's about 5 miles from the main hospital campus.  When they're there, I'm not needed.   I usually get 2-3 days a week but not much lately.  I enjoy what I do there and the few who work there regularly have become good friends.  So, all in all, it's just been a bit different for the start of this year.   But enough whining for tonight!  Jack and I went to the Temple today and enjoyed a much-needed, quiet prayerful time.  It has put me in a better mood to face February!   Tomorrow, to finish January, I get to have an evaluation done by my boss.  Now you must take in consideration that she's never watched me work.  But no worries since we do our own evals.  We answer questions like:  What's the best part of your job.  What makes you excited about your job.  What are your goals for the next year...blah, blah, blah.  You also have to give yourself a score from 1-10 on how you feel you do at your job.  I'm a PRN worker.  That means I just go in and do my job, collect my paycheck, and can say yes or no when they ask if I can work certain days. I get no benefits, so I really don't have a big skin in the game.  I do work hard when I'm there and the one thing I never, ever say is the phrase: "I'm tired".   I leave that to the younger ones.  When I feel like I really am tired and the job isn't fun anymore, I'll be out.  Anyway, I gave myself a 7 with the idea that nobody is perfect, and I like to leave room for improvement! Ha!  So, my goals are to get to work on time, get through the day without saying I'm tired and hopefully work on the days the drug reps bring lunch.  They have big expense accounts!  Here's my final thoughts for this final week and days of January:

EAT LIKE A BIRD:   I don't know who made up that fairy tale.  We have birds at our feeder that hang out there all day and eat constantly.  Reminds me of a group of folks at Golden Corral that were bragging about being there all day and were there for dinner too!  Plus, those birds are messy!

Innocent bird buffet.

Messy mess on the deck:

The ground under the feeder.  Eat like a bird my eye!  We have had some lovely birds come and visit though.  The cardinals, red headed woodpeckers, blue jays, and of course the tiny birds that aren't afraid when we walk out on the deck.  They aren't leaving their buffet for anyone!  That's it for now.  Here's my final pic of the post:
Our Annabelle hasn't met a couch that she doesn't love!  She has the right idea.  Night all! Bye January!

Friday, January 24, 2025


 We made it through the coldest week ever!  It broke a few records around these parts but thankfully we  didn't get the amount of snow the southern states did.  I'm sure the kiddos that had never seen snow were having a great time.  The grownups, perhaps not so much.  A few flakes can shut down those places not equipped to handle it but a foot of snow is down right paralyzing.  We had snow off and on but it came in just a few inches at a time.  No biggie here.  Our schools were shut down until yesterday because of the dangerous temps.  It's suppose to get up into the 20's and 30's this weekend which will feel like a heat wave! We've been hunkered down at the Pines with Jack manning the wood furnace.  Phil and Jackie came over last weekend and split wood that got us set to handle the cold.  We were very grateful for wonderful sons who care about us!  Jordan was fighting the same virus his Dad has had and was home from work a few days and really feeling crummy.  On Saturday, last weekend, our Granddaughter Rae had the high school winter formal dance.  Her boyfriend's Grandpa is the maintenance man for the Historical Society buildings and got them in for some pictures.

For a winter formal, that dress looked pretty chilly to me!  I think I'm getting old! She did have a shrug wrap that went with it but didn't wear it for the pics. The Victorian settee was very pretty too!
They were good sports about letting us take pics in places like the library in this beautiful building.
I liked the ones on the stairs.  It was nice of Gabe's Grandpa to get them in and I enjoyed seeing them have fun too.  So that about sums up our week!  I didn't work this week because the hospital hasn't been busy and the doc I work with at the endoscopy lab was on vacation.   So just puttering around, shoveling snow, taking Annabelle out for quick walks has been the order of the days.  We did go for a little drive today to an Amish store for some fresh eggs.
For $2.50 a dozen they are much cheaper than the grocery store!  The sun was shining even if it was only 17de out and it was lovely to see the pretty landscape.  For my final pic of the post:
Annabelle and her crazy hair in the morning.  Have a good weekend everyone!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Hello 2025

 Well, better late than never I guess. Happy New Year everyone!  January is half over and I was thinking of just giving this blogging thing up but decided to keep at it and give some more thought and time to it. The first weeks of January have been a mix of snow, cold, not much sun and not much working either.  I know things should get going more in a few weeks once folks decide to start on their medical care and using deductibles. As for the weather it's typical of January in Ohio except we've been spoiled the last couple of years with mild temps and not much snow.  Mother Nature has decided to up her game this year.  It's been a back and forth of bitter cold and snow.  The snow we have has thankfully came in small batches of only 2-3 inches at a time.  Makes it easier to keep up with the shoveling!  Next week we are expecting some bitter temps for Monday-Wednesday.   After that I'm thinking it will go into a more normal pattern of winter.  Thankfully, Annabelle likes the snow and doesn't seem to mind the very cold temps although I don't take her walking for very long periods of time.

I don't know if you can tell but I shovel out paths for Annabelle.  I call them her pee paths! Ha! They sort of look like crop circles in the yard.  Do you do things like that for your furbabies?  
Once all the Christmas decor is put away, I bring out the snowmen and even put some lighted flakes on the kitchen mantel.  I like to keep a bit of light up until February then I go for Valentine's stuff.  It helps to keep the winter bright!  
One thing that makes the winter brighter is watching my grandson play basketball! He's #14 in the red. They've had a good season and we were happy to watch them win this one and see Cameron score! 
Go #14!  
Last week we had a full moon.  This isn't the best shot but I liked the tree limbs in the shot.  The full moon made for nice lighted evenings and early mornings but also brought out some craziness at work.  Full moons make hospital employees nervous!  The next story here is maybe because of a full moon. It's one final thought for this first blog post of the year.  This is also a public warning.  This past week we,,,or I should say, me since I was the one who got involved, got scammed big time.  I got caught in a banking scam that makes me so mad and also feeling so stupid to have fallen for it.  Now to be honest the scammer was very good and even had the bank phone number he called me from to ask about a fraudulent charge on my account.  Turns out he was the fraudulent call.  I even called the number back to make sure it was from my bank, and it was.  A long story short and $8,700 later I finally went to the bank in person and found out it was a total scam. We did get it straightened out but what a pain.  We had to open new accounts, put in a dispute in hopes of recouping the money, change all our info to the places that we pay bills to or have automatically withdrawn funds from.  I know it happens a lot these days, but I still feel very violated and stupid.  Never deal with anyone on line or on a phone from a person saying they are the bank, or if you have a gut feeling something isn't right, just check it out in person.  Lesson learned for sure!  So, taking a deep breath and heading forward I will say, Hello 2025.  Let's do better from here on out!