Thursday, October 10, 2024

Loving My Favorite Month!

 Yes, it's October and the month is going fast! First, Happy Birthday today to my brother Jim!  Lucky duck with a birthday this month.  On Friday my sister and her family are coming for our annual Fall fest.  I'm looking forward to seeing them all and laughing, playing games, and of course eating Fall foods!  My nieces, Amy and Katie, both have birthdays this month so a little celebrating with go on too.  There will be pics also.  Since I haven't posted this month I will have to do a post on my decor.  As always it's a little over the top but we love it.   Here's one that's shows different decorations I did in the alcove between the house and the garage.

Those ghosts were really meant for the gables on my house but the gable windows were too little to get them up so here they found a place and it's not too bad.
Last year I did a photo stop place for everyone. Last year I had straw bales but this year I went for a bit easier and not so messy set up.  The bench in front of the screen door used to sit on the enclosed porch of Jack's office.  He should be out of the office in a few weeks after clearing out over 50yrs of "stuff" that was his Dad's and his over the years.  Hard work!  But it's getting there.  So  now party goers have a spot for a selfie or a posed shot.  

Those large mums are from a local Amish farm and greenhouse.  I thought they were pretty for only $6 each.  
Jack pulled out our tomato and pepper plants as they were done producing...or I should say, I was done producing canned tomatoes!  The peppers weren't growing too big and were kind of bitter. The drought we're in hasn't helped but we did water the plants through the summer heat. It looks like my angel that sat here all Summer is praying and saying goodbye to the last of the crop.  We'll enjoy the veggies in their frozen and canned state over the Winter months.  That's all I have for now but will be going full speed for the next few days.  My car drama is still going on but hopefully will be settled tomorrow.  I contacted Hyundai corp and they have moved things forward since they didn't want to keep paying for a car rental until November when the dealership said the car would be done.  It's been a frustrating battle since August to get this fixed.  In fact, the case worker on my claim is meeting me at the dealership tomorrow when they deliver the car to make sure all is good. Fingers crossed for a good outcome and my car working!  One final note....One of my good blog buddies at "Shady Dell" said he has had trouble commenting here.  Have any of you who visit me had a problem?  I've tried checking my setttings and such but can't find a way to fix it.  Let me know if this has happened to you...if you can without being sent to a spam folder!  Take care and prayers for Florida and my family that lives in Tampa and Fort Myers!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

And The Rains Came Down

In the last 2 weeks we've finally gotten much needed rain.  I'm not sure if the drought has been fixed but my grass is looking much greener.  I haven't mowed in almost a month!  I do feel so bad for our family and friends down south and send out prayers for all those who are really suffering with that horrible hurricane that has swept the areas in our southern states.  Our temps have remained mild and now it's a bit more humid than we've had all summer.  I really can't complain about the lack of mosquitoes!  Everyone seems a bit worried that our Fall colors will be drab.  Lots of stress on our trees.  But I'm thinking it will be a little later for color.  Our neighbor's tree across the way is changing nicely.

Notice the brown grass!  It's looking better today.  I've been busy working and decorating for the season. In 2 weeks my family from Chicago will come and gather with the clan here for our annual Halloween/Autumn party.  Midge and I have some ideas for the kiddos and looking ahead it looks like a chilly, Fall weekend.  Good for a fire in the pit!  Downtown Ashland has some activities going on that will entertain them and then I believe they are heading to Cedar Point on that Sunday for the Hallow weekends.  I've been helping out at the Historical Society Freer House again this year.  My friend, Bonnie, and I did up a couple of the rooms and I'm hoping to get it all done tomorrow.  They will have tours of the house starting on October 17th until the 27th.  I think it's looking pretty good so far.  They even have the basement open and decorated.  You see, the Freer House was called the Children's Home and it was where juvenile delinquents would go also.  There are actual jail like cells in the basement!  I saw them for the first time last week and just felt a terrible sadness down there.  I couldn't imagine children locked in those tiny rooms.  I'll take pics next time I'm there and show you.  In the mean time, here's a few pics of the room we've been working on.

A little story time by a kindly witch?
Maybe a nice lunch with some chatty skeletons!  I think once we're all done it will be even better than last year.  Again, more pics at a later date.  Finally, some Homecoming pics featuring our Granddaughter Addy Rae:
Lexi came down from Bowling Green University for the weekend to see her little but taller sister all dressed for the dance. Love those kiddos!  I can't believe that in a few days Addy will be 16!  I think her dad was just that age, right?!   Well, that's all I've got for now.  Just one note of sadness this week.  Annabelle's boyfriend, Cooper, died this week.   He was the sweetest little poodle that would come a couple times a week, bark until Annabelle would come outside, and they would sniff each other, run around a bit, then he'd head back home next door.   We were really sad when our neighbor called to tell us the news.  Cooper was 10 and was very active but developed Cushing disease and it took him quick.  RIP sweet Coop and say hi to your old buddies, Chubs and Arnold.  If you happen to see Eddy at the rainbow bridge, give him a kiss from us. 

We woofed you too buddy!

Monday, September 16, 2024

I Smell Fall In The Air!

We're in a bit of a drought here in Ohio that has kept the mosquito population at bay but boy my yard looks pathetic!  The leaves are changing and falling quickly.  We may get a few drops of rain this week...fingers crossed!  Even though the temps are in the 80's the nights are in the 50's and with low humidity it's really quite pleasant.  I was asked with Jack was retiring will I quit working.  For now, no.  I'm still enjoying the time and frankly Jack still has lots to do at the office before locking it up for good.  He's seeing some patients that he needs to finish care with and of course the cleaning out, packing up, and all that takes a little time.  I'll help where I can but we're still only with one car so getting back and forth and sharing a vehicle isn't ideal.  Don't get me started about the car.  The dealership hasn't even looked at it yet.  I've called so many times they don't even ask my name. They recognize the number!  If it's not looked at by Friday I'll be on the horn to Hyundai again.  In other news, Annabelle decided to take a little adventure walk last Thursday.  She was outside doing her business with me watching as usual.  She started to hike toward the creek but I quickly called her back.  She came running back and when she was almost at the deck I went inside quickly to turn off the stove.  I came to let her in and she wasn't there.  I went outside, walked around, called her name, checked the creek and then walked up and down my street. No Annabelle.  Jack was home for lunch and he and I went out in the car looking for her.  We drove all over the neighborhood with no success. He went back to work and I hiked up to the Creepy Woods and even took out our trail bike and rode around too!  Jordan came home from work and he walked the creek bed and also back in the woods.  Annabelle doesn't bark so we were worried if she was caught in a ditch or hole we wouldn't

 find her.  By 5 in the evening I was losing hope.  My neighbors were walking by and I told them to keep a look out for her.  They put a call out on Facebook and lo and behold a couple of folks said they saw a white dog running down 1302...that's a very busy road near us. Then on a Facebook page a lady said she found a little white dog on 1302 and had Annabelle's picture on her page!  After getting in touch with her we were able to go pick Annabelle up and bring her home safe and sound.  Thankfully the lady stopped and called her to the car and Annabelle jumped up into her lap! That crazy dog. She's never done that before and I will never leave her for a second alone again.  I really don't even know how she traveled that far that fast as I was right outside immediately.  Oh well, all's well that ends well.  The funny thing was when I checked this lady's Facebook page she only had one friend listed.  That one friend was my Granddaughter, Summer!  I guess Summer and her boys were friends back in high school. Small world!  

After taking burrs off her and a good bath she was tuckered out!  For a final note that tells me Fall is in the air, downtown Ashland is decorating for the season.  One of our retired docs and his wife donated some really cute pumpkin people.

There's 10 different ones set up all along Main Street.  They are super cute and folks are really getting a kick out of taking pics with them.  It's something that just makes you smile when you see it and don't we need a little more of that every day?  You bet!  Have a great week

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Few Other Things

 With the fun of having the kids from Oregon visiting last week and the gathering of the clan for a little anniversary party I failed to mention a few other things.  Jack and I went up to Lake Erie at the end of August (the 23rd) for a fish fry with friends from Jack's graduating class. We went last year and it was really nice and this year didn't disappoint.

The weather was perfect and the lake was beautiful and the fish was delish.  With our belly's full and after a good time with friends we headed back to Ashland.  Almost home the car started acting weird.  We were almost in the small town of Savanah (8mi from home) when the engine seized up and we were coasting. In a miracle that still makes me shake my head, our mechanic just opened his shop in Savanah on the main drag and we coasted right into his parking lot.  Whew.  Jordan came and picked us up and Scott the mechanic promised to look at the car the next day.  Well, a big surprise to us was that the car was totally out of oil!  No notice on the dash that anything was amiss.  This same thing happened to a coworker and also my daughter-in-law Evelyn. What is the common denominator in this?  Hyundai and Kia have had these problems with oil disappearing with no warning.  In fact, not even any leakage on the garage floor. To make a long story longer, I need a new engine.  We had to have the car towed to a Hyundai dealership for their evaluation.  Cost? $8-12,000!  I have called Hyundai and like my coworker and daughter-in-law, I'm sincerely hoping they are covering the cost.  I'm on the battlefield to get it taken care of as we are down a car and that is not fun.  I was really stewing about the whole thing but there's not much I can do so I have to suck it up buttercup and pray for a good outcome.  In other news, Jack told me back in August that he has decided to retire.  I was surprised at first because we always joked he would leave there feet first!  I know it was a big decision for him but now he's looking forward to some new adventures and these next few weeks will be filled with tying up everything, throwing out many things, saying goodbye to his loyal patients and then taking a deep breath! 47yrs in practice is a long run and he's a really good Chiropractor and has a lot to be proud of.
I'll miss seeing his sign on the corner of Center and Washington St.
The big old Victorian has been the office since 1981 when he and his Dad moved from the old office across the street.  We lived in the big apartment upstairs when our kiddos were little until we bought our first house.  We have many good memories here.
When Craig and the family were here he took a final tour of the office and sat out front for a final pic.  He learned to ride his bike in the parking lot as a 4yr old and told his kids how he and his older brother got in trouble for sledding down the hill in front of the office almost going into the busy street.  I had no clue they were doing that until they came in the apartment and soon after a policeman showed up after people complained about them! You never saw 2 more scared kiddos thinking they were getting arrested and me feeling like the worst mom ever!  Nobody was arrested and the cop was super nice and now we can look back and laugh! So we will take all our memories with us along with the many photos we have of our time there and move forward.  Congrats Jack on a career well done and a retirement well deserved.  It seems like only yesterday when you were a student at National and this was a looonnngggg way in the future.
Jack found this in the office and brought it home.  After dusting it off and laughing about my wonderful crafting I looked at the bottom and it was dated Dec, 1975, a year before he graduated! Again, the phrase that time flies is very, very true.  Congrats Dr. Starkey!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Milestones, Memories, Family, And Fun

 I hadn't posted much in August but the last couple of weeks were busy and fun filled.  We were busy getting ready for our kiddos in Oregon to make a visit.  It was a short but very sweet time.  They came to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  We didn't want a huge party and I know my sister and our good friend, Bryn, were disappointed.  But it's quite a lot of work to get all that done whether it was us doing it or them and when it's a huge crowd you don't really get to enjoy everyone.  So they said, OK, and we just had our boys, some of the Grandkiddos that could make it and our friend Bryn.  My sister had just been here and will come again in October with her kids so we'll party with them in a few weeks.  Time is flying by and these past 50yrs sure did!  Last Wednesday Craig came ahead of his family.  Amy, Sophie and Katie came on Friday because it was Sophie's first week of school and she couldn't miss that whole week.  Everyone from Oregon arrived via the friendly skies and it was a great time!  On Saturday the kids did all the work from decorating to cooking and if you know me that was hard and weird to not have a big hand in all the planning.  They did great though.  Here's a few pics of their work:

The guys, Jackie, Craig, Jordan, and Phil set up the cooking station in the garage since it was a little rainy outside.  They made hamburgers, (my request!) and brats along with pasta salad that Evelyn made, fruit salad Bryn made and potato salad that agreed I could make.  Added with chips and extras it was delish.  Phil took charge of the dessert which was key lime cheesecake (Jack loves Key lime) and double chocolate cheesecake to make me smile!
My gosh they were amazing and so gooodddd!!  He didn't bake them, he has a friend who makes these but we gave him all the credit for their yummyness!
The girls doing the prep!  That's my granddaughter, Sophie in front of the island, Amy my daughter-in-law and my granddaughter, Katie next to her with the "50" above her head.  Thanks girls, you did great!
The dining room set with it's gold lame' table cloth, flowers and happy anniversary sign.
Kitchen fireplace decked out with lots of gold
I put together a little poster board on the dining room buffet.  
The sign on the fence was cute but my transplanted hostas look ready to call it a season!
Jack and I in our "Golden together 50yrs" t-shirts.  
The kids gave us this metal sign they had made.  It can go inside or out but for now it will stay here. We also got a super cute blanket with all the info on what was happening in 1974.  You could buy a house for $36,000 then and now you can't get a car for that! Crazy.  I know everyone always is amazed at how time goes by and all the living that's done in those years.  We have such a great family and many good friends that we cherish.  When I put the following pic on the poster I couldn't help but wonder if that young, 21yr old, had any idea what life had in store.  Of course she didn't as none of us do but I will thank my Heavenly Father for the blessings and even the trials we've gone through to this point in life.  It's been lessons learned, love shared, tears shed from laughter to sorrow and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  To my siblings who sent us a sweet card with some cash to enjoy something special to my kids for putting up with us all these years and sharing this day, THANKS SO MUCH AND WE LOVE YOU ALL!
Mirror, mirror on the wall, you have no idea at all!
Crazy kids!
First dance but not the last!
A cool ride to head to the future.  Happy Anniversary Jack!  Love you forever!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Fall Teaser

 The weather has been glorious this weekend.   Just a little taste of Fall I think.  Lower 70's for day and 50's for night. Just enough to make me dream of pumpkins and Halloween gatherings.  But not enough to actually decorate for that season yet! Come on, it's August and I know there are hot days ahead and maybe even a few sun burn days too.  However, the yard is finally getting green again after a few storms last week.  We got lots of needed rain but thankfully not the damaging storms Cleveland received.

Hello green grass with just a few brown spots left here and there.  I was able to mow the lawn after not getting the mower out for over 2 weeks!  I worked 4 days this past week and for me that's a lot.  My back wasn't handling it too well and after a 9hr day on Friday I was ready for some R&R.  We didn't make the BBQ that was the plan for Friday night but Saturday night we had our own little cookout and the first real fire pit night of the Summer.  It was way too hot and humid before now.
Hey, it's an empty chair just waiting for me!

Toss in a couple of hot dogs, potato salad and fresh off the vines tomatoes and it's a feast!  We're not s'more people but we did split a Hershey bar!  Well, it's late but I don't work tomorrow and I'm heading outside to see if I can spy any meteor showers. 
Night all!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Happy Birthday Cam-Man!

 August is moving right along and so are some birthday wishes.  Yesterday our Grandson  Cameron turned 17.  Wow, wasn't he just a little guy?  We joined with his Mom and sister and his other Grandparents, along with our son Jack (his Dad!) to watch him blow out those candles in one fell swoop!

He's a great kiddo who's quiet like his Dad and also super smart.  They just found out he's the top of  his class!  He also works at a local Dairy Queen and loves his video games.  Typical teen! Love  you Cam! Happy Birthday!   Here's some of the other players in this celebration:
His Mom, Stephanie. Even though she and my son are divorced, everyone gets along and we celebrate these times together.  I'm grateful for that with no drama!
His sister Summer.  Notice the artwork on the walls? Many of those are Summer's! She's very talented and this party room is a great place to display her work!

Summer and her Dad along with her constant companion, Happy!
Cameron opening his presents next to his Grandpa Jerry on one side and PawPaw (Jack) on the other. We gave the gift that keeps on know, money!  It was a nice evening after the storms that rolled through our area.  Cleveland really got hit hard with rain and wind and lots of outages and damages.  We got the much  needed rain but no problems, thankfully.  Not much else really happening around these parts but watching the garden start to produce.
Green beans are coming in and soon the canner will be humming along.  We've enjoyed the fresh off the vine tomatoes.  I dream of these all winter!  I know it means work with picking, making sauce, canning and such but they make me smile in the winter seeing them all lined up on the shelf in those glass jars!

Not sure if you can see the rain in this pic but we're very grateful the storms that have passed through and given us and the farmers some relief.  It's been a hot summer and the humid days are not my favorites but cooler temps are heading this way over the weekend and I'll enjoy that!  However,
I know it's still 46 days away...not that I'm counting...but the stores are already gearing up for that season of candy, pumpkins, and ghouls!
Witches hats and jack-o-lanterns are lining the shelves.

Ghoul blend and pumpkin pie M&M's...Yes Please!!!  I read a meme that said, "I like sweater weather more than sweaty weather"! I have to agree but I'm really going to try and enjoy this last month of Summer.  We have a few activities that include a barbeque and a trip to Lake Erie in the next few weeks along with a visit from our kiddos in Oregon at the end of this month to help us celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.  Hopefully that will be a blog worthy post to end August! Until then I'll be on the lookout for something to write home about!  Sweaty hugs from Ohio!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Bye Bye July!

This is a first for  me.  Only 2 posts in July.  One is a hello and one a goodbye.  What have I been up to? We've been trying to finish projects this summer that needed done around the Pines.  A bathroom update is finally in the books.

A new tub 

We kept the same  vanity as it was built in and very good wood.  Just had it repainted and a new vanity top and faucet, lights, and a mirror I found at a thrift shop.
My sister spotted this little picture at the resale shop in Chicago we love to go for treasures.  The ceiling was redone and painted and I painted the walls.  Time well spent I think. Glad it's over!  Then I had decided to change a planting area that had been near our front walkway after we changed the sidewalk from wood to cement. I pulled out all the hostas and flowers and replanted them elsewhere to make space for a fence.  

My sister was visiting last week and left yesterday but on Monday we put the fence in! 
I told Jack that we proved what two old broads with a sledge hammer can do! Ha!  There's just a small part that needs to be finished and that will hopefully be done this weekend.  New plantings and grass will go in but our weather has been hot, humid, and also very dry.  You'd think with the humidity we'd get rain but only a few sprinkles here and there.  Not great weather to plant grass!  We'll do our best to get it done before the end of the next month.  As I mentioned, Midge was visiting since last Thursday until yesterday.  We packed as much as we could in those days.  My niece Amy, along with her hubby Eric and Midge's grandkiddos were heading to Cedar Point so I met them at the turnpike, grabbed Midge and headed here while her family enjoyed 3 days at the amusement park.  Then the kids came here on Sunday and gathered with us for lunch until they headed to Mohican area and spent 2 days at a cabin owned by a friend of ours.
It's a pretty location and cabin sleeps 10 and has all the comforts of home along with a nice hot tub. They hoped to go canoeing on Monday but the area got lots of rain which made me mad since we only got a tiny bit.  But they managed to find other fun things to do.
Amy and Midge checking out the yard area

There's a nice pavilion and a huge fire pit.

Before they headed down to the cabin they joined us for a nice lunch at the Pines.
Amy and  my great niece, Ella.
Jack ready for chow!

Jordan, Jackie and my niece's hubby, Eric.  I didn't get pics of the other kids there.  They were busy running around outside and checking out the neighbor's animals.  We had a good time and my sister and I enjoyed being together and laughing all the time and probably driving Jack a little crazy! He's a good egg to go along with us on some of our adventures and then just let us hang out and enjoy our time.  It sure went fast just like this month.  I hopefully will get back on the blog wagon and post more for my own journal and memories as well as checking my blog buddies out to see how they're all doing.  It's almost August so I'd better get going.  Night all!